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Monday 16 September 2019

New Arrivals at Caister Road

Two more Volvo/Wright Geminis have arrived at Great Yarmouth over the weekend.

Photo: Roger Bellward
37150 YN06URD and 37174 SF07FDE were collected from First South Yorkshire's Doncaster Depot.

37150 was new to South Yorkshire whilst 37174 started out with First Glasgow.

Both are undergoing inspections prior to entering service.



  1. It's like musical chairs at First at the moment. Keep sending clapped out junk round all the franchises hoping to never buy new buses.

  2. Not many buses get further than First in Doncaster but interestingly neither of these two vehicles were on their allocation - both were based at Olive Grove, Sheffield with 37174 being recorded as 'Withdrawn'. It's probably easier to collect buses from Doncaster than Sheffield!
