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Friday 27 December 2019

Anglianbus In Exile

In June 2018 Robert Appleton contacted us to say that Hedingham & District's Clacton depot had three double deck buses still in Anglianbus livery (see Ex Anglian Deckers in Exile).

Since that post Dennis Trident 712 (T812RFG) was withdrawn and sold to Ensign for subsequent scrapping. However, Hedingham's Clacton depot has received three more buses from Konectbus that are still in Anglianbus livery and Robert has forwarded the following photos.

Scania Omnicity single-decker 458 (YN05 HFH) in Jackson Road, Clacton, on 29 November 2019, working Clacton local service 5A to Flatford Drive.

Scania Omnicity single-decker 460 (YN05 HFF) in Pier Avenue, Clacton, on 26 November 2019, working Clacton Circular service 137.

Scania Omnicity double-decker 851 (AO57 EZL) in the Stanwell Street part of Colchester bus station on 18 December 2019, working service X76 to Clacton.

My thanks to Robert for the information and photos. It's good to see the old buses again and, as Robert says, the Anglianbus livery brightens up these dull days.


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