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Friday 20 December 2019

Friday Round Up

A rather damp look at visiting coaches in the Great Yarmouth holiday area earlier this morning dominated by National Holidays' coaches

Unfortunately my first photo of a 69 registered Mercedes Benz Tourismo from the fleet wasn't very successful. Camera shake plus poor lighting conditions meant the delete button was pressed! However, outside the Carlton Hotel was a similar coach from the fleet, NH18KGH, with a very friendly driver.

Further along the seafront was another National Holidays' coach in the form of another Tourismo, NH16SEH, parked on North Drive.

The next port of call was Beach Coach Station where I didn't expect to find anything. However, Jubilee Coaches' Scania/Van Hool W26JCR was the sole occupant.

The final location was the railway station where Freestone Coaches, Irizar bodied Scania YN07LFL was on standby. Just as I was driving away Ambassador Travel's Scania YN16UAF, complete with Grand UK Holidays branding, turned up.


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