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Friday 17 January 2020

Single Decker Demise

Today's news from First's Caister Road Depot regards two single deckers in the form of  Scania L94UB 65673 and Transbus Dart SLF 42483

65673 SN51UYG pictured in Gorleston High Street in April 2019
Scania 65673 SN51UYG has departed the rear yard of the depot on its last journey to Alpha Recovery. It arrived at Great Yarmouth in October 2018 by default from First Essex as the selected bus broke down a couple of days previously! Withdrawal came at the end of December but it returned to service for a short period in January 2019. Further resurrection came in April but it was finally withdrawn in September and has remained out of use ever since.

65673 SN51UYG awaiting its last journey inside the depot yesterday
Recently withdrawn is former First Essex Transbus Dart 42483 SN03WLK. It arrived locally on 10th November 2019 becoming the fourth to arrive from the county in four weeks. It was then admitted to the workshops in early December. Withdrawal came last Friday.

My thanks to First for the information and the depot photo


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