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Wednesday 1 April 2020

Flying Banana To Return?

One of the first vehicles to operate for Flying Banana
A post from 1st April 2014 which stated that the beginning of the month coincided with the news that the Flying Banana name could soon return to the town.
The original Flying Banana bus service started in the town in late 1990's with the purpose of providing a connection between Gorleston's Shrublands Estate and Great Yarmouth - then unserved by a bus link.

With First's current services through the estate currently being gradually reduced due to Government funding cuts, it has emerged that a community bus scheme could be established utilising vehicles presently out of use during the off peak periods.

The scheme, to be funded under the European AFOLO programme, will allow the as yet undisclosed bus company to train up volunteers to operate the service. A similar scheme already operates in South Wales.

The Dutch project director, Mr B A Neskins, hopes to commence the service later in the year providing there are no slip ups in registering the service.

(Note: If you already hadn't guessed, this was an April Fool posting!)


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