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Wednesday 10 June 2020

Photo Service Offered

Kelvin Amos, an enthusiast from Bristol who owns three preserved buses, is offering a photo sales service to help raise funds for the three vehicles.

He writes 'Over the period of the early 1980s until the late 90s, myself and a couple of friends have been travelling the country taking photographs of the vastly changing bus scene. I now have a massive collection of bus photographs taken all over the country which includes major operators, nbc, municipal buses, pte. large and small independents and of course all the deregulated companies that are with us today'.

He continues 'Looking at your website I am very likely to have photos of many vehicles in your collection either with original or subsequent operators. I intend to sell the photos on a SALE OR RETURN basis, at 50p each with a discount for bulk orders'.

The blog is being contacted to give readers 'priority before I advertise on the general market nationwide'. Should you require specific vehicles please contact Kelvin direct. He adds 'it is not just the revenue, I want the photos to go to the people that will appreciate them'

Kelvin's contact details are email and mobile at 07748 634224


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