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Thursday 24 December 2020

Seasonal Greetings and Thanks

Well what a year 2020 has been! When the first lockdown occurred in late March I feared that we wouldn't have much to report on the blog for the foreseeable future.

How wrong I was! Despite all the concerns, the reports continued to arrive and the introduction of our lookback/flashback features have contributed to the third highest number of reports in our ten year history. Whilst I dispensed with the annual review last year, you are still able to look through the blog archive at the bottom of the left hand column of our webpage. The highlight for me was my invitation to the press launch of First's new £5.3 million excel fleet - really enjoyable.

All that remains is for me to acknowledge all the many contributors to the blog over the last twelve months as the numbers continue to grow. Thanks to each and everyone of you as your reports and photos are much valued and appreciated.

My very special thanks also go to Grahame Bessey for his many contributions and continued support - a busy man indeed but he still spares time for his reports! Last, but not least, ENBB would like to wish all readers, supporters and contributors a very merry Christmas and a happy, healthy and safe new year. We hope to continue our high standard of reporting into our eleventh year despite Tier 4!

Take care all and stay safe


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