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Tuesday 13 April 2021

Preservation Group Launches Newsletter

The Eastern Counties Bus Preservation Group officially launched its 'Just the Ticket' quarterly publication over the weekend

The group's objective is to preserve and restore historic commercial vehicles with the focus around the 1990’s era of Eastern Counties. This includes the de regulation period - Grampian takeover leading to the formation of First Bus. The vehicles in the group represent this era in various ways. There are also  large artefacts from this period including articles from Great Yarmouth Transport, Eastern Counties, First Eastern Counties, Flying Banana etc

If you are not a member why not join now by finding out more through visiting their website at,. Memberships begin from £20.00 per year and include free travel/invites on the group's vehicles to rallies plus quarterly newsletters. All membership money raised is put into the restoration pot!

The Group looks forward to welcoming you aboard, so email them today for further details at

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