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Monday 6 September 2021

Saturday Dive

Saturday was one very special, but nervy day for one the engineers at Beccles based Border Bus. Colin Stammers' wife Kathy was diagnosed with breast cancer in March. She has subsequently had four cycles of chemotherapy which left her feeling sick, weak and in pain but she still has an operation and radio therapy to go through.

Colin says 'I wanted to do something to raise money for cancer research but it needed to be something that would test me so I am going to do a parachute jump which, to those who know me, will be a shock because I am scared of heights, I would never have done this under normal circumstances but cancer makes the husband/wife of the person who has it feel helpless and this is something I can do'

Breast cancer hit the national headlines at the weekend following the passing of Girls Allowed star Sarah Harding on Sunday aged only 39. Colin overcame his fears and successfully completed his jump and now wants to raise as much money as possible and continues 'cancer is a terrible illness and the sooner we get a cure for it the better. Nobody should have to go through what we have'.

Colin’s Giving Page can be found at and further donations would be most welcome for a very worthy cause.

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