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Friday 24 December 2021

Seasonal Greetings & Thanks

2021 has been another year of uncertainty! Lockdown occurred again and who knows what Boris has in store for us after Christmas! However, some relaxation in the rules has allowed us all to get about a little bit more this year which is reflected in the number of contributions received in last twelve months. Although I have dispensed with annual reviews, you are still welcome to look through the blog archive at the bottom of the left hand column of our webpage.

All that remains is for me to thank all the many contributors (including many new ones!) to the blog over the past year as the numbers continue to grow. Thanks to each and everyone of you as your reports and photos are much valued and appreciated.

Again my very special thanks to Grahame Bessey for his many contributions and continued support - a busy man indeed but he still spares the time ! Last, but not least, ENBB would like to wish all readers, supporters and contributors a very merry Christmas and a happy, healthy and prosperous new year. We expect to continue our high standard of reporting into our twelfth year despite the effects of COVID-19

Take care all and stay safe


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