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Tuesday 29 March 2022

Electric Bus Funding Secured

Yesterday Norfolk County Council issued a press release saying its ambitions to run a net zero transport system had resulted in it securing £3.2million in funding for the introduction of fifteen electric buses to the network in Norwich.

The release said 'Norfolk County Council has secured the funding after a joint bid with First Bus was submitted to the Department for Transport (DfT) for funding from the ‘Zero Emission Bus Regional Access’ (ZEBRA) scheme.

First Norwich Yellow Line Gemini BG12 JVX on
Great Yarmouth Airshow Park & Ride duties in 2018
This bid is matched by £3.6m of local investment from First Bus and will deliver 15 battery electric buses which will be in operation by March 2024.
The new vehicles will operate on four existing bus routes, all of which operate through the Low Emission Zone (LEZ) and Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) in Norwich City Centre. 

The routes are:
  • Green Line: Bus routes 15 / 15A / 15B
  • Yellow Line: Bus route 29
  • Purple Line: Bus route 39
  • Charcoal Line: Bus routes 40 / 40A
The full press release can viewed on the County Council's website HERE


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