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Wednesday 16 March 2022

Sanders Coaches Activity

Firstly, I have to say it's great to be back doing the blog again following a period out of circulation after testing positive for COVID on Saturday. I'm slowly on the mend and thankfully there's not been much to report on in my absence!

There has, however, been some activity at Sanders Coaches following recent tender changes with some vehicles having new routes being added to their destination equipment, including the recently won 29A starting in April. The new screen is seen here on Volvo B7RLE/ Wright Eclipse Urban 511 HF54 HHM which is presently on loan at Holt from North Walsham.

Further candidates for disposal soon include VDL SB200 407 YJ59 AYY and Optare Solo 200 YJ58 CBX with the latter observed in Norwich on Saturday.

One recent arrival is a twenty seat Mercedes Benz Sprinter with the registration RX22 SKU which is expected out on the road next week. Also due soon are new Volvo B8RLE/ MCV saloons.

My thanks to LiamS for his update and photos.


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