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Saturday 21 May 2022

Saturday Open Top Freebie

It was quite a relief that the weather played ball today with the sun shining compared to the previous day's cloudy and damp offering. An ideal day for an open top bus ride; and free at that!

Never one to miss such an event I found myself early to the venue (unusual for me as I'm nearly always late!) The first bus arrived well before start time ably driven by Chris Speed who reversed CRZ 599 onto the forecourt of the Britannia Pier to act as standby.

It was said Mr Speed who also bagged his place to take the first one out and he is seen here driving CRZ 366 past the Tower building on Marine Parade.

He is also observed with CRZ 366 passing the old Windmill Theatre on the return journey to the Britannia Pier

Not to be outdone CRZ 466 also joined the fray and is noted passing the Wellington Pier entrance and the Winter Gardens

As it would be rude not to accept the invitation for a free ride, I duly climbed on board for the run to the Pleasure Beach and back which was well loaded!

An interesting couple of hours and I wish the venture well. Chris said that after a successful first year it justified the investment to run an improved service this year.


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