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Tuesday 19 July 2022

Ex First Great Yarmouth Decker Moves On

In July 2017 I reported that two former First Great Yarmouth double deckers were being used by Avon Buses of Birkenhead (Avon Calling! - 14th July 2017) On 5 October the following year, drivers were told that the firm was to cease trading immediately with issues cited for closure being rising insurance and fuel costs.

Upon closure one of the twosome, W757 DWX, moved on to Archway Travel of Fleetwood and painted red with a yellow band. It was primarily employed on Wyre schools services. However, it has recently been acquired by Shoreline Suncruiser Buses of Scarborough and worked to York on private hire a couple of days ago.

I am grateful to Brendan Upfold for consent to use his photo and my thanks to a couple of our readers who made me aware of its recent move 


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