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Monday 4 July 2022

Konect Depot Visit

During yesterday sparkie001uk paid a visit to the Konect bus depot at Dereham and passes on his thanks to the member of staff who acted as guide.

A row of deckers guarded the entrance to the site with driver trainer 9030 LK54 GZP, a Plaxton President bodied Volvo B7TL, on sentry duty!

In the workshop he noted two deckers receiving attention including Dennis Trident/ ADL Enviro 639 SN65 OAY

Being a Sunday the yard was reasonably full as shown in the two photos. With the Costessey Park & Ride tender being won by First it begs the question as to what will happen to the double deckers branded for those services.

Our correspondent was also able to get a good shot of Costessey Park and Ride liveried ADL Enviro400 644 LK08 FLJ which was specially placed in position for him and he wishes to thank the staff at Konect for their help in enabling him to get his photos. My thanks to him for his photos which also appear on his Flickr site under the same name.


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