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Thursday 29 September 2022

Early Foursome

A tour around the usual spots in Great Yarmouth earlier this morning yielded a total of four coaches.

The first sighting was of a Mercedes-Benz Tourismo with the cherished registration K28 JCT. Operated by Johnston Coaches of Rugeley in Staffordshire, it was new to Glen Valley Tours of Wooler, Northumberland as BU18 YNM.

Next up was Van Hool Alicron BIB 3994 from the Bibby's of Ingleton fleet. It was previously registered YJ14 CBY

Finally, at Beach Coach Station there were two regular visitors - Alfa Travel's Mercedes-Benz Tourismo BV20 HNB and Gee-Vee Travel's VDL GT16 GVT.


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