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Tuesday 6 September 2022

First Day In Service

With all the attention focussing on the arrival of the quartet of ex Yellow Bus Volvos at Border Bus, another double decker has arrived under the radar.

Scania N230UD/ OmniCity YT59 SFO has joined the fleet as Border Bus No 216. Formerly with London United, the decker had its first day in revenue earning service yesterday on the 580 service from Bungay/Beccles to Great Yarmouth. It continued to work the route all day with Alf Ellis getting a photo of it in Great Yarmouth on one of the journeys. My thanks to Alf for the photo and to Alfie Clarke for forwarding it on.

Apparently at least one of the four B9 Geminis was noted on a schools service yesterday with BX62 FUO seen on the new BH1 route from Kessingland to Bungay High by Ben M. Thanks for that Ben


1 comment:

  1. 219 (BX62 FUO) was swapped onto Service 146 today and has spent most of the day working the 146.

    217 (BX62 FNV) has once again been used on schools and is rather powerful - with a few rattles which I'm sure will be ironed out soon.
