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Tuesday 18 October 2022

Blue Line Overnight Stayers

You may remember earlier in the month we reported that two First Norwich Blue Line vehicles stay overnight at First Great Yarmouth's Caister Road depot (Blue Line Sleepovers - 4th October 2022). As usual, two were here again overnight but they were anything but blue!

The first was Eastern Counties heritage liveried decker Volvo B9TL/Wright Gemini 36183 BN12 JYF - also going under the guise of VW183. The other was Purple Line coloured Plaxton President bodied Dennis Trident 33166 LR02 LYD.

More news on the loans to Norwich is that the second decker, 37056 YJ06 XMG, has also lost its Coastal Reds embellishments which also suggests it is allocated to First Norwich permanently.

My thanks to First for the information and photos


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