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Saturday 26 November 2022

Yellow Line Overnighter

News of another unusual overnight stayer at First Great Yarmouth was that of First Norwich yellow line 66980 KX05 MHJ. It was the second night in a row for the Wright Eclipse bodied Volvo B7RLE at the Caister Road depot

My thanks to First for the information and to Will Drake for the photo



  1. I'm trying so hard not to be cynical, Roy, but, oh, the joys of branding!
    Keep up the good work, take care,and best wishes..
    Mick, in bus boring Durham NC, where timetables are constant from first journey (6 AM) to last journey (midnight), cancelled journeys are as rare as hens teeth, and it's a fare-free city. Pros and cons, friend.

  2. Many thanks for your kind words Mick and I can only sympathise with your boring bus activity. Hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving
