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Thursday 8 December 2022


As reported many times here, a number of First Norwich Green Line and Blue Line vehicles stay overnight at Great Yarmouth's Caister Road depot.

Among those taking up residence last night were former First Wessex Volvo B7RLE/Wright Eclipse Urban 69546/55 BF12 KWL/R. Accompanying them in the photo is Blue Line Volvo B9 BD11 CFK.

Others included a third Volvo B7RLE/Wright Eclipse Urban 66980 KX05 MHJ which was employed on Green Line route 14 yesterday (photo: Dan High), despite being branded for the Yellow Line. Wright StreetLite 47509 SN64 CRU made up the quintet of overnight stayers.

My thanks to Dan and First for the photos and to the latter for the information


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