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Friday 20 January 2023

32492 Withdrawn

Former First Ipswich Alexander ALX400 bodied Volvo B7TL 32492 AU53 HKK has been withdrawn from service at First Great Yarmouth. 

32492 spent just over three months at the seaside having arrived at Caister Road on the last day of September 2022. 

Its withdrawal follows closely behind that of similar 32488 AU53 HKF which only lasted just the one day in use at Norwich earlier this week following its transfer from the Suffolk town.

I believe that another two examples are under threat at First Ipswich.

AU53 HKK is pictured in the rear yard at Caister Road earlier today with its next (and last) journey planned for the scrapyard.

My thanks to First Great Yarmouth for the information and photo.


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