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Tuesday 22 August 2023

Tuesday Tour

The sunshine provided a welcome backdrop for this morning's Tuesday Tour of the holiday areas of Great Yarmouth and Beach Coach Station.

The first coach seen was Boorman's (Chiltern Travel) Mercedes-Benz Tourismo T19 HWT in colours. It was new to them as BL16 GAA.

Next up was Caledonian Travel's Tourismo NH69 JHH, a former National Holidays' coach new in November 2019.

Telford of Newcastleton's VDL Futura HD X3 TCN was observed outside the Nelson Hotel. Despite its X registration plate it was delivered in May 2019.

Outside the New Beach Hotel was Bland's Volvo B11R / Jonckheere JHV FP7788 - the operator becoming a regular visitor the resort..

As I was crossing Marine Parade Ministerley Motor's Irizar I6 bodied Scania K360IB4 YT15 AWC sneaked up on me and luckily the traffic lights delayed its journey allowing me to quickly get a photo!

Finally, I looked in at Beach Coach Station and found only one coach present. Owen's Travelmaster's Tourismo BA19 OXE was on hire to Bakers Dolphin and being guarded by a seagull!


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