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Wednesday 22 November 2023

Wednesday Tour Dozen

Today's Wednesday Tour revealed twelve coaches in the vicinity of Great Yarmouth seafront and the town's Beach Coach Station. Five of them were parked within 200 yards of each other on the west side of Marine Parade!

The first photo shows Caledonian Travel's Mercedes-Benz Tourismo NH69 HHH outside the Royal Hotel. It was new to National Holidays.

Further to the south was another Tourismo, Llandudno-based Hughes Bros AP68 ALP in Just Go! Holidays livery.

Behind that was a third Tourismo in the form of branded Chiltern Travel BF68 ZGB

Bringing up the rear of the quintet was Lehane Travel's LIW 1932, a MAN 18.360 with a Beulas Cygnus body, plus regular visitor Caledonian Travel's BV22WUM (not pictured)

Outside the New Beach Hotel were KM Travel's Yutong YD19 HHM and Alfa Travel's Tourismo 123 BV20 HNG.

Meanwhile, on North Drive, next to the Arc Cinema, was another Caledonian Travel Tourismo, UMO 58, and National Holiday's branded VDL YD17 WXW. The latter was from M&D Travel of Stockton-on-Tees

The third vehicle there was DJ19 DJT, a Volvo 9900 bodied Volvo B11RT from the Neath based fleet of DJ Thomas

Outside the Prom Hotel on Marine Parade was Skills Irizar i6s YS22 JGY

The sole occupant at Beach Coach Station was Alfa Travel's Tourismo 126 BV20 HNK.


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