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Thursday 21 December 2023

Seasons Greetings

Well the festive season is almost here with Christmas Day just around the corner.

At this time of year we all look back on 2023 with comings and goings for many of our local operators. You can view all the posts for the year (and previous year's posts too) in the blog archive located at the bottom left hand side of our web site. There’s also a search facility at the very top left of the web page if you are looking for a particular item.

Ex Caroline Seagull and Swift Taxis Dennis Javelin G470 LVG appearing in festive mood
in December 2010
East Norfolk Bus Blog (ENBB) is approaching four million page views and in September we reached our highest number of daily page views at over 9,500 with a significant number from Singapore! This success is not solely down to our efforts but also due to the increasing number of contributions from our readers - some being newcomers. I have been looking back at the number of contributors and I shall not provide a list for fear of missing out anyone - but thanks to each and every one of you as your contributions are very much valued.

Thanks to all of our readers for supporting the blog over the past year and a special mention goes to Grahame Bessey for his many contributions and support. A busy man but still has time to prepare his reports

Last, but not least, ENBB would like to wish all readers, supporters and contributors a very merry Christmas and a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year and, as always, we will attempt to continue to provide our high standard of reporting into our fourteenth year! Where has all the time gone?


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