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Friday 29 December 2023

Twixmas Surprise

Twixmas is that period between Christmas and New Year when not much happens, but today Jamie Skinner gave me a heads up that an unusual vehicle was parked up at the Beccles Road bus stop this morning opposite the Wheelwrights Arms Public House in Great Yarmouth.

It was none other than Completely Coach Travel's X28 CCT. The Van Hool TDX27 Astromega. was new as Bluebird Buses SV12 DVW and is still wearing Oxford Tube livery from its time there in 2019.

It is one of two ex Oxford Tube 87 seaters owned by the Norwich-based company and will shortly be transforming into white complete with new vinyl's. The other has already been so treated.

Thanks for the tip off Jamie as it's one I have being trying to get a photo of for some time.


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