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Friday 12 August 2011

Lowestoft Airshow Park & Ride - Day 1

With yesterday being the first day of the Lowestoft Airshow, the Park and Ride services were in use again  with First providing the vehicles. One service operated from the north of the town from Dip Farm to South Pier as A1, whilst the Kessingland Africa Alive to Rectory Road service operated as A2.

With my grandchildren in tow, I was struggling to get something together for this report as my wife and I kept them entertained, fed and watered having arrived on the A1 from Dip Farm. I needn't have worried as correspondent Syd Eade rode in on his dashing white horse to provide an extensive report!

Syd reports .. It was an all low floor affair with four buses on service A1 from Dip Farm using 32101/106/107/112 and six buses on the A2 from Kessingland utilising 32201/204/205/206/651/652.

32203 was a spare vehicle but it did operate one journey to Kessingland  at 14.50 and returned light to work a teatime X2 to Norwich. 32211 also made a guest appearance on the Kessingland A2 service at 17.15, followed by 43465 at 17.30 to shift the crowds.

Syd continues... In addition 34310 and 34311 were on loan from Essex for use on local services to release the B7s for the Airshow P&R, but they only seem to have been used on staff transfers. Although 34311 was ON SERVICE when I saw it at 16.45 when it did a relief from Lowestoft to Yarmouth at 16.25. The destination blind had nothing suitable so FIRST was displayed and a paper sticker was in the windscreen. (Syd later reported that both saw use on Service 3 in Great Yarmouth on Thursday and Friday)

My thanks to Syd for providing the report and exclusive photographs, for which I am eternally grateful. Syd, I hope I didn't overdo the fawning gratitude and trumpet fanfare!

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