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Tuesday 9 August 2011

Nine Out Of Ten

The title of this posting was so very nearly six out of ten!

Eight of the nine Swift vehicles in Copyfax yard at Gapton Hall Estate

Why I hear you say? Well it was the number of Swift's vehicles parked in its Copyfax yard during the middle of this morning. All six of them feature in the online auction due to be held on the 12th August. Click here to view my earlier post containing the details of all ten vehicles. However, with no camera with me I vowed to revisit the site this afternoon.

The two Darts are flanked by minibus AX02RXJ and Scania WJI9828

Lady luck was smiling on me as at 3 pm there were nine of the ten sited in the yard and hence the reason for the title of this post! The only vehicle missing was 132 Swift Wagtail (K264SSD) which was last seen parked at the rear of Swift's Southtown Road site.
Javelin R334RCJ next to Volvos UIL7824, M734KJU and M735KJU
Scania M26XSC keeps them company on the extreme right

I consider myself fortunate to have captured almost all of them!

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