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Monday 1 April 2013

Worthing Wander

Easter Sunday meant a visit to see brother-in-law in West Wittering, but with a late start by others in the group we were kicking our heels a bit in Worthing

After picking up a paper we decided to drive along the Marine Parade to pass sometime.

Just before passing the pier entrance I glanced over to the Stagecoach garage entrance and
saw a yellow and green decker guarding the entrance.

Quickly retracing our route, I parked up and decided to get a photo of  her. The vehicle in question was former Southdown Leyland Titan PD3 Queen Mary BUF260C

Immediately behind her was another yellow and green vehicle; ex King Alfred UOU419H a 1970 Leyland Panther
I thought it unwise to just look around so I called into the office for permission which was duly granted without any hesitation.

So armed with a Stagecoach hi-viz vest I wandered around the depot taking pictures on the way.

I was surprised by how many vehicles had been packed into the buildings and I counted a total of 34 buses on
site - excluding the two preserved buses

The remaining photos taken of vehicles on the depot are now featured on my Flickr site

Finally, I got that elusive photo of a Compass Bus; Dennis Enviro 200 GX62COA at Steyne Gardens in Worthing on Easter Monday (1st April) heading for the pier

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