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Wednesday 19 March 2014

A Very Early Evening Service ~ Updated

An early run for the Lowestoft 122 service at 7:45 this morning!
Regular contributor Grahame Bessey looked in at Lowestoft's Gordon Road bus station this morning to find a very early running 122 town service

The 122 does not normally run until the early evening, commencing with the 17:56 from the bus station

Grahame captured Dart 43868 EG52FGX complete with 122 displayed and it did depart showing 122!

My thanks to Grahame for the report and photo

The above posting has subsequently drawn the following response from a contact within First:-

'The 122 does indeed have two morning journeys as well as evening journeys. The reason for the different number is to show passengers that it follows a different route to the 102 and 105, principally evenings. The AM journeys are there to offer a better service than would be warranted by separate 102 and 105 journeys.'

My thanks to the contact a First for putting the record straight

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