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Wednesday 19 March 2014

Tuesday in Tamworth

One of Central Buses smart new Enviro200s on the xpre55 route
We normally visit the outlaws in Tamworth over a weekend so the Monday/Tuesday overnighter was a pleasant change and the the second day coincided with market day - an opportunity for the ladies to spend time shopping

I made my excuses and disappeared in search of some different bus workings to the usual Arriva dominated activities

Since my last visit Central Buses have introduced an xpre55 direct service connecting Tamworth and Lichfield at 30 minute intervals. Two brand new Enviro200s have been purchased to operate the service and they looked very smart in their xpre55 livery

Heartlands Dart S363ONL in Corporation Street awaiting departure to Mile Oak
Heartlands Travel/ Invincible Coaches also had a presence in the form of 11.3 metre Dennis Dart Super Pointer 213 S363ONL. The Dart was new to Go Gateshead as their 8163 in 1999 and subsequently moved to Impera Bus & Coach

Heartlands acquired ONL last month and it was noted yesterday sporting a silver and blue livery operating the Mile Oak service. I am unable, at the moment, to trace the reason for the livery - was it applied by Heartlands or by a previous owner? Any pointers (excuse the pun!) would be welcome. For subsequent information please see the comment below by Tom Harrison

Middletons HX07TYF parked in front of  the Church of St Editha
Earlier in the morning, I was enjoying breakfast at the Holiday Inn when a decker from the fleet passed through the car park to my surprise. It was proclaiming 'Invincible' on its destination after disgorging its schoolchildren at the neighbouring Snowdome/ fitness centre. Another from the fleet,
former Trent Optare Excel Y237DRC was also noted in service at the nearby Ventura Retail Park

On my way back to the car park, local operator Middletons was using its HX07TYF to promote its outings and tours to the locals on market day

The above provided a pleasant change to the usual Tamworth Arriva Midlands diet!


  1. Roy I bow to your superior knowledge in knowing that market day was on lol looks like you picked a lovely day and always a pleasure to see ENBB on tour !

  2. Nice post! S363 ONL was preserved at one point after leaving the Impera Bus & Coach fleet, it has obviously been sold on for further use with Heartlands. The livery is a new variant of Heartlands' livery with the silver in place of the usual bland white.

  3. Many thanks for the information Tom - much appreciated
