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Friday 20 March 2015

Classic Bus Day Reminder

Just a timely reminder about the Classic Bus Day being held at County Hall in Norwich on Sunday between 11am and 5pm

Situated in close proximity to the A47 Norwich Southern Bypass/A146 junction, the event will offer regular free services between the Railway Station, Castle Meadow and County Hall. At the latter there will be a static display of vehicles to view with plenty of on site car parking available

I will be in the west midlands over that weekend, but I hope my partner in crime, Grahame Bessey, will be in some fit state to attend as he will be involved in a 24 hour event for Harbour Radio on the previous day. So treat him gently

Failing that, I have promises of photos from others attending as well so I should be able to provide a report for the blog soon after

Also on this page is a timetable for the three services running on the day and by clicking on the image you will see an enlarged view

There is also a Classic Bus Day Facebook Page where you can keep up to date with the latest information which I believe now includes the offer of a visit to First's Roundtree Way premises

The local newspaper, the Eastern Daily Press published an article on the event earlier in the week which can be viewed HERE.

It should be a good day out and all we can ask for is a good day weather wise

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