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Friday 20 March 2015

More On Metroliners

Following our Throwback Thursday feature on Ambassador Travel's MCW Metroliner C917BPW, regular correspondent Jim Long got in touch

As many of you may know Jim is very much based in the Ipswich area, so it wasn't the best place to be if you wanted regular sightings of these deckers

C916BPW making a rare appearance at Ipswich's Old Cattle Market in July 1988. Photo: James Long
However, two Metroliners have put in an appearance in the Suffolk county town and Jim tells me the first was Ambassador's C916BPW which was diverted because the driver became ill with another called for

Five years later C521WBF paid a visit to the Post House in Ipswich. Photo: James Long
The second sighting was of a loanee covering Snow White promotional duties and carried a temporary number of T919. C521WBF was delivered new to Midland Red Coaches in March 1986 as their 1521. The following year it moved to Yorkshire Traction and, from the presence of its fleet names, subsequently saw use with Ambassador as well

My thanks to Jim for the information and the photos

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