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Saturday 4 April 2015

Caroline Seagull Revisited

Reports on old local coach and bus companies often provoke responses plus many reminiscences of the 'good old days' as well!

Caroline Seagull's ex Edinburgh open top Atlantean JSC890E outside the Queens Road premises in August 1982
I have used these comments to provide an opportunity to publish more photos of the operator's vehicles from my albums and, whilst they may not be of the quality expected nowadays, I thought I would include them for nostalgic reasons

Many of you remembered the operator from your old school days. Jamie Skinner said 'Wow that long ago, I still remember them and they used to do contract runs to the Phoenix swimming pool from Peterhouse School.' Tim Miller said that they also operated 'to Gorleston Grammar and Claydon schools too'  The latter is now Lynn Grove whilst the former has subsequently been demolished

Plaxton C57F bodied Bedford YNT ACL988X which was new to Cobholm Hire in June 1982 and is pictured on
South Quay on 11th June 1982. It later saw use with Pam's of Leicester and Minerva Travel of Melksham. There is
also a photo on Flickr showing ACL988X in an abandoned state in the yard of Smiths Coaches of Pylle in Somerset
taken during May 2010
John D commented 'They also did (back in the early 1990s) school contract work for what was then Acle High School, now Acle Academy. Also used on contract to Acle were the same model bus that Chris Speed acquired (ex GYT, WEX685M) and Ambassador.'

Robert Kelly remembers the coaches Caroline Seagull acquired from Norfolk Motor Services in December 1984 'SVF511W (310), SVF512W (311), LAH222V (299), TWX329W (329), TWX331W (331) TWX332W (332) and they were all Ford R1114s with Plaxton C53F bodywork and I think TWX 329W which stayed until 2004 and others but I don't know who they where sold on to'

Readers are very welcome to contribute further reminisces and photos regarding Caroline Seagull by email to

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