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Friday 3 April 2015

Jamie's Depot Trip

Olympian 34186 S686AEE was Jamie's trusty steed
for his trip from Gorleston to the depot
Jamie Skinner emailed some photos regarding his trip to First's Caister Road depot yesterday

His journey would involve taking the 8 from Gorleston direct to the Salisbury Road bus stop , a short walk from the depot. He was surprised when his bus turned up, as it was none other than Olympian 34186 S686AAE so he grabbed a front seat on the top deck

The surprises didn't stop there as 34186 exited Market Gates bus terminus one of the First Eastern Counties Routemasters was out. He got a photo of NML623E out for a short run

After completing its run to Caister the Olympian returned to the depot and was later used on a Bernard Matthews contract

Whilst Jamie was there, a Lowestoft Dart in the form of EG52FGX returned to its old stomping ground to take up a service 6 duty to Bradwell

Jamie's ringside view of  Routemaster 39623 NML623E
It wasn't the only Lowestoft saloon to appear on the run to Bradwell yesterday afternoon as Dart SLF 43466 R466CAH also made an appearance on the route

My thanks to Jamie for his report and photos

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