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Thursday 31 December 2015

Last of the year from Lowestoft

Final Photo opportunity of the year for me was a brief visit to Lowestoft this morning to try and capture the four latest arrivals from the South West. A Brisk sunny couple of hours was had and i managed to grab three of the four required.
42911 WX05RVV about to enter Gordon Road in the winter sun.
All were seen in use but 42908 failed to appear in the right direction for the camera as the sun was playing havoc trying to find a decent spot, i was a bit late for the usual Bus Station haunt so i moved to the roundabout at the top of Gordon Road with more sucess.
42943 WA56OAS also working the 101
My final capture was 42926 SN05EAE which i did wander back round to Gordon Road to see if it has pulled up in the last remaining sunny spot there and as luck would have it there she stood.
42926 SN05EAE now proudly wearing its new identity.
The rest of my photos will appear on my Flickr stream in due course. Once done i headed back to Yarmouth to meet up with a certain Mr. Miller for a chin wag and a seasonal beverage!

Other news from First sees loanee Volvo B10BLE 66112 R912BOU returning to Rotherham due its non DDA status and another loanee has arrived in the shape of 60626 R789WKW which is DDA complient and will cover as a paint spare at Norwich.  Yarmouth based 66168 & 66169 should also be withdrawn after service today due to the changes also.

Finally i would like to wish all our readers and contibutors a very happy new year and also to Roy for once again allowing me to be part of the team and keep the local scene up to date for everyone.

Have a good one people and here's to another bumper year in 2016!                    Grahame.

1 comment:

  1. Pleased to have you aboard Grahame and a happy new year to you too
