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Monday 4 January 2016

Latest First Comings and Goings

Well first may i say a very happy new year to all our readers and welcome to January! Our first offering for 2016 sees a bumper crop of movements for Eastern Counties.

We begin with  Lowestoft where the four remaining Caetano bodied Darts (43859/60/67/68) have all left Suffolk bound for Cornwall. 43860 only managed as far as Ipswich where it had an overnight stay before continuing its journey south today.
43860 over the pits at Foundation Street, Ipswich  (Jim Long)
Two more ex First Bath Darts arrived at Lowestoft on Sunday in the shape of 42914 WX05RVZ & 42938 WX05SVD. 42914 is the only one of the recent additions in the latest Olympia livery still wearing West Of England names and was noted out in service this morning on a very unusual allocation for one of its First duties!
42914 pictured outside BHS in Yarmouth working the X1 to Lowestoft (David Waters)

Onto Norwich where newly arrived Volvo B10BLE 60626 R789WKW has now entered service and was noted in use on the 36 route today in the city.
60626 in St Stephens today (David Waters)
Finally its back to Yarmouth where another Olympian has been collected by Alpha Recovery today and is now heading up to the North East for scrapping. 34112 W432CWX arrived with FEC in October 2008 and was allocated to Lowestoft before moving to Yarmouth in 2009. Our final piece of news is the confirmation that Volvo's 66168 & 66169 are withdrawn with 66168 heading for Rotherham for DDA conversion and to become part of the South Yorkshire fleet, 66169 is to be scrapped.
34112 in Gordon Road, Lowestoft November 2008.
Many thanks to Chris and Danny at First for the information and to David Waters and Jim Long for being in the right place at the right time for the Photos supplied.               


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