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Saturday 9 July 2016

Latest from First

Transfers, Refurbishements, Repaints, its all go at the moment! Former First Leeds Volvo B9TL's 36182/3/4 have moved down to Great Yarmouth from Norwich. 36185 will be the last to move once repairs are carried out to 33246 which will move back to Norwich.
36185 BN12JYH pictured alst weekend in Norwich
Former Norwich vehicles 33004/33007/33151 have all moved back to city operations from Caister Road with 33246 to follow.
33007 LK51UZE pictutred last month in Ormesby.
On the refurbishment front Lowestoft Gemini 37568 is expected back from Rotherham with sisters 37563 & 37572 heading North for their work to be carried out, two more Volvo B10BLE are due on loan in return, one being 60622 to join sister 66112 already at work in the suffolk town.

33169 (BD11CFO) has returned to Norwich in the new Blue Line livery joining sisters 36166 & 36179 in the latest colours. 36167 & 36168 are currently at Simon Morris for repaint.

Finally i would like to mention the Funeral details for the late Jim Long, Jim's service will take place on Thursday 14th July, 3pm at Seven Hills Crematorium in Ipswich. I will be attending to pay my respects to a dear friend.


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