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Friday 16 September 2016

Caister Road Visitors

Many of you will know that First Norwich buses have their annual MOT inspection at Great Yarmouth's Caister Road depot.

Today was no different as a couple of their vehicles were at the seaside depot this morning with White Line Gemini 36173 (BD11CFX) calling in for its yearly assessment

Also to add some colour, Yellow Line Volvo B7RLE / Wright Eclipse Urban 66982 (KX05MHL) was present following its recent repaint from Turquoise. It is not known why it was at Caister Road

My thanks to regular contributor Roger Bellward for his pictures



  1. I wonder why it's still called the MOT test? Didn't that particular ministry disappear many years ago? Just asking?

  2. You are quite correct Mick but it's still affectionately known as the MOT! Hope all is well with you in North Carolina

    1. Everything is fine Roy (apart from the political scene)! The bus scene is so boring - timetables never change, vehicles all the same (therefore no unusual workings), fares unchanged for TEN years (still only $1 flat fare). How sad is that?

    2. I got that feeling about the political scene whilst over on the west coast earlier this year - many said they would vote for the lesser of two evils. Oh dear the bus scene does look a little boring then. You will have to 'nip' back to sunny old GY then to get the enthusiasm going again!
