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Thursday 15 September 2016

Hour In Town

This morning I had an hour free to catch up on activity in Great Yarmouth town centre and was hopeful of obtaining a photo of a Borderbus Gemini and a picture of an Our Bus new working

Arriving in Regent Road, I observed one of the said Geminis awaiting time for its 09:35 departure for Bungay. It was LF52ZPB which was new to London General in December 2002. That's one ticked off the list then!

After a bit of shopping, I popped back to the bus terminus in time to see noisy ex First Leicester Gemini KP54KAX about to leave on the 2 to the Barrack Estate. Before the route was split, earlier this year, it became very rare to see a decker on the route. This morning two consecutive departures to the Barracks were worked by deckers

 My second goal of the morning was to get a photo of the Our Bus 271 Hemsby Beach to Great Yarmouth service, which started on the 30th August last. The service involves two outward and return journeys on Mondays to Fridays and I was surprised to see a new addition to the Our Bus fleet in charge. Optare Solo CN54HFD was employed on 09:45 Hemsby departure and seemed to be well patronised. The Solo was noted on the internet as still being part of the Chippenham based Faresaver fleet in September 2016, so a very new acquisition. With the second one also ticked off I had accomplished both of the tasks I set out to achieve!


1 comment:

  1. Assume OurBus Solo acquired to make up for the withdrawn ALX300, due to fire?
