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Wednesday 28 October 2020

Fourth Wright Eclipse Identified

Following the permanent transfer of ex South Yorkshire Mainline liveried Volvo B7RLE 69017 SF55 UAK to First's Caister Road depot on Monday evening, the second expected Wright Eclipses has now shown itself.

It was originally intended to be 69029 SF55 UAX but the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry and conspired to ensure it didn't take place after all!

Instead similar 69045 SF55 UBE made the journey to the east coast and is pictured here inside Caister Road depot yesterday

This makes it the fourth of the original thirteen that are now based here; the other two being 69033 SF55 UBT and 69046 SF55 UBG.

My thanks to First Great Yarmouth for the information and photo


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