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Tuesday 27 October 2020

North Norfolk Outing

Yesterday was one of those now rare day outings with the camera - probably the first since the Covid-19 lockdown began. The end of the month coincides with the cessation of  Autumn Services on the North Norfolk Railway, so I planned to get a day in for a steam fix! However, during the last couple of weeks there has been rarely a day where rain hasn't been experienced (or forecast) so Monday looked the best day for no rain. BUT it still did!!

Armed with camera and lunch, I decided to look in at Cromer first to see the Rail Head Treatment Train (see twitter feed for photo) and get some pictures prior to heading for Sheringham. I didn't plan for the slow queue into the latter though but arrived in plenty of time.

Bus activity at Cadogan Road was initially very quiet but the number of arrivals gradually picked up with the Coasthopper branded bus standing out among the usual Sanders livered vehicles.

After spending some time there, I drove on to Sheringham for the railway where I was frustrated that access to platforms weren't allowed to the general public - quite understandable though. So I decided to park up at the Golf Links level crossing beside the line and consume lunch prior to the 12:10 steam departure. Half way through my first roll the audible warning alarms sounded and I got out just in time to witness the railcar arriving from Holt. Lunch was consumed in plenty of time prior to the steam train passing (see Twitter feed for photo)

I returned to Sheringham's Station Approach to obtain more photos with Sanders Coaches Optare Olympus Minerva PN09 EMJ awaiting time for its departure to Holt on the 44. Immediately behind was VDL/Wright Pulsar YJ10 DJU

All in all an enjoyable day out despite the 10 minute burst of rain!


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