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Sunday 30 September 2012

Felix Coaches Query

Felix Coaches EX6644 - a Crossley SD42/7 with Yeates C35F bodywork
Photo copyright Mick Turpin
Regular readers of the blog will recall my article about the restoration of a coach previously owned by Great Yarmouth operator Felix Coaches in the 1950s

Following the article I have subsequently received a couple of responses on the subject.

The first is from the founder's great grandson, James Hazell, who, on seeing the photo, remarked 'What an absolute joy to see this coach returned to its former Felix glory'

The second response was in an email from Colin Royds:-

'I have just been on a web site about Felix coaches in Great Yarmouth. Does anybody remember the small wood hut at the side of the Aquarium theatre on the prom. Myself & my future wife had a holiday in Great Yarmouth in about 1964 and the man in the wood hut was called Bob Jex. He said we would remember his name as it was the reg. letters of Great Yarmouth. We went on so many day trips with them in the holiday that he bought my girl a box of chocolates. They did a trip on one night in the week that was a music night in a pub with a live duo dressed in pullovers with a felix cat on it. does any body know the name of the pub?

I do just about remember the said wooden hut beside the Aquarium Theatre (now the Hollywood Cinema). As for Mr Jex's reference to the vehicle registrations, if my memory serves me right, I believe Felix (or was it Seagull Coaches using the Felix name) had two Bedford VAL14s whose registrations were JEX3 and JEX5. 

Indeed EX were the registration letters for Great Yarmouth and I understand Seagull Coaches had an arrangement with the then Great Yarmouth County Borough Council to match its fleet numbers with the registration numbers

As for the identity of the pub Colin refers to I am not sure where it was. I would be grateful to hear from anyone who could provide the answer so I could pass the information onto Colin

Venue Identified!

I have subsequently been contacted by David Burdett and Mick Capon who have both identified the venue as being The Eels Foot in Ormesby, just north of Great Yarmouth

Mick's reply can viewed by clicking the Comments tab below whilst David emailed me to say:-

Relating to your question about coach trips from Great Yarmouth which ended in a pub night, might I suggest that The Eels Foot at Ormesby could possibly have been the one referred to. I seem to recall that this was mentioned to me by drivers from Cromer in the 70s, although at the time which you state, I would only have been quite a youngster!!
David Burdett.

My thanks to both David and Mick for their replies

Saturday 29 September 2012

Latest AnglianBus Repaints

Two of the AnglianBus Metrobus exiles have received AnglianBus yellow and blue livery; YN03WRF and YN03WRP

When Tim Miller looked in at Car & Commercials yard in Beccles yesterday morning the former had left and the second was waiting collection

Tim sends these photos of YN03WRP freshly out-shopped and as you will see it
retains its two door configuration.

Although it has still to receive its fleetnames and other graphics the vehicle looks very smart

Another unidentified Scania was also hiding at the rear of the site.

It had received extensive front end damage and was thought to have been a write off.

Could it have been 
the former Metrobus 445 YN05HFE which was written off in the accident at North Cove recently?

My appreciation goes to Tim for his report and the photographs

Friday 28 September 2012

Lowestoft Interloper

Lowestoft's main pedestrianised shopping area witnessed the appearance of a double deck bus yesterday.

Neil Chilvers photographed former London Transport MCW Metrobus BYX295V outside Beales

The bus was new to London Transport in June 1980 carrying fleet number M295

Affectionately known as Harold The Bus, the
vehicle is on a 2,000 mile tour raising money for PWSA (Prader-Willi Syndrome Awareness).

It started its trek in Brighton on the 15th of September

For further information about the charity visit the PWSA website

The bus will also be in Great Yarmouth Market Place today and Saturday

My thanks to Neil for the report and photos

Wednesday 26 September 2012

Ambassador New Reg?

Contributor Zac Nelson photographed this white coach whilst it was awaiting passengers opposite East Norfolk Sixth Form College yesterday

The Dennis Javelin/ Plaxton Premier was displaying a K262FUV registration plate and thought it may be one of the Ambassador fleet

I was unsure as to whether it was a re-registration or an acquisition by Ambassador

However, Zac, Grahame Bessey and Andrew Smith were amongst those identifying it as being owned by Wymondham-based Semmence, a sister company of Ambassador

My thanks to Zac for the photo and to all those responding to the request to identify the owners in the previous posting.

Good to know you are all out there and reading the blog!

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Multi-Coloured Bus Spot

32107 LT02ZCX on the Pink Line

The newly named First Norwich bus network began operating in the city on Sunday last with buses being colour coded to 'simplify' the Norwich bus network for passengers

Grahame Bessey visited the 'fine city' yesterday to witness the first weekday operation of the network; despite the threat of heavy rain throughout the day!

33113 LT02NVX on Red Line working
In addition to the numerous pictures, Grahame sends me an extensive report highlighting the buses on their respective branded routes

Red Line
32104  33113  33146  33158  33234 33235  33242  33244

Yellow Line
33056  33149

Orange Line
32101  33150  33160  33162  33169

Purple Line
33003  33152  33163  33166  53118 53119  53120  66328  66330

66347 MV02VDA on Turquoise Line
Turquoise Line
32112  66347

Green Line
66301  66326  66334  66335  66337 66341  66342  66344  66345

Blue Line
36166  36167  36168  36169  36170 36174  36175  36176  36177  36179

Pink Line
32102  32107  33055  33246  33247

White spare 33058 LN51GJK
White (Spare)
33058  33154  33156  33170  33171 33236  33237  33238  33239  33245 36172  36173  36180  53122  53123 53124  66324  66325  66329  66332 66336  66339  66957  66959  69011

He reports that all Norwich vehicles are now branded except for Dart 43483 R683DPW which is expected to move to Essex shortly.

My appreciation goes to Grahame for his thorough and detailed report and for the many pictures he provided

It's a pity I couldn't use them all!

Seeing Red

Zac Nelson reports the use of an AnglianBus former Metrobus Scania on the 731 route

He captured red liveried YN03WRG awaiting students outside Gorleston's Sixth Form College in the rain yesterday

The Rackheath based bus still retains its 537 Metrobus fleet number and was about to return to Norwich despite Special Service appearing on the destination screen!

My thanks to Zac for the photo and information

Monday 24 September 2012

Carnival Queen

Following yesterday's report regarding the last workings of First's Routemasters on the 3/3A route in Great Yarmouth, Syd Eade has sent a photo of RML 2623 NML623E being readied for the Lowestoft Carnival on Sunday

She is pictured in Lowestoft Bus Station with the London 2012 Olympics banner fitted. Unfortunately heavy rain during the carnival meant no photos!

Regular contributors James Race and Syd then returned the RML to Great Yarmouth at teatime and then continued to Norwich returning the errant Green Line 66346 MV02VCZ to Norwich's Vulcan Road depot for service on Monday morning

My thanks to Syd for the photo and report

Sunday 23 September 2012

Last Day of the 3/3A

RML2480 at the Hemsby terminus
Yesterday was the last day of operation of this season's 3/3A route operated by First in Great Yarmouth with regular correspondent Grahame Bessey recording the event

The 3/3A provided a circular route connecting Newport Caravan Park in Hemsby with Great Yarmouth's Seashore and Vauxhall Holiday Parks via the town centre and seafront.
Olympian 34109 was a substitute for the other Routemaster 

The route was operated by two heritage buses and two accessible buses providing alternate journeys

Both of the First Eastern Counties Routemasters have been in regular heritage service during the season with RML2480 JJD480D again prominent yesterday.

However sister RML2623 NML623E was unavailable having
First's B7 32201 LT52WTE negotiates the turn at Hemsby on the 3A service

been taken over to Lowestoft to appear in their carnival today

Her place on the 3 was taken by Volvo Olympian 34109 W346CWX

Volvo B7TLs 32201 LT52WTE & 32211 LT52WTU were used on the 3A duties

Ii is understood that the use of  Routemasters has been successful although one wonders if they will return in 2013.
RML 2623 on Regent Road during her last day on the route
Photo copyright Syd Eade
As a postscript RML2623's last duty on the route was on Friday

Syd Eade captured the red Routemaster on its last day on the 3 at Regent Road

At the wheel is regular photographic contributor James Race

My thanks to regular contributors Grahame Bessey and Syd Eade for their reports and photos

Friday 21 September 2012

Beach Coach Station ~ 20th September 2012

A visit to Beach Coach Station yesterday afternoon revealed Fowlers Volvo B12R/ Jonckheere Mistra XDO515 present. (My thanks to Hamser for the correction)

It was in pristine condition despite the driver apologising that it hadn't been cleaned recently!

He also said that he had taken it to the Showbus event at Duxford on Sunday

Other visitors included National Holidays Volvo B12M MX03AEW (recently transferred from the Shearings fleet) and another B12M from Motts Travel in the form of CT07MTT

For photos of these two please visit my Flickr site

Thursday 20 September 2012

City Branded Bus Escapes!

66346 MV02VCZ a surprising arrival at Lowestoft.
Photo copyright James Race
No sooner has Norwich got its buses branded for the new city services (which haven't started yet!) then one escapes the 'fine city' to appear on Lowestoft Town services.

Green Line branded 66346 MV02VCZ replaced a broken down Dart SLF on the X2 2020 hrs from Norwich last night.

It was reported by John Podgorski on the East Anglia Buses Yahoo Group that Lowestoft SLF 43435 P435 NEX was seen in a broken down state on Bracondale in Norwich whilst working the X2.

On arrival at Lowestoft's Gordon Road the driver decided not to change his bus due to the late running of  the X2 because of the breakdown.

66346 on the 105 Rock Estate working in Lowestoft this morning.
Photo copyright Syd Eade
This resulted in 66346 continuing the Dart's scheduled duties with the 2135 hrs service 102 and 2215 hrs service 103

This is the first time one of these newly branded buses has left Norwich on another working and also the first use of a B7L in Lowestoft. It certainly is a big vehicle to take on town services at night

Syd also recorded 66346 on town services this morning. She is pictured here by Syd operating the 105 service to the Rock Estate

My thanks to Syd Eade for the report and photo plus James Race for the night photo

Showbus 2012

Last Sunday saw the annual Showbus event at Duxford

As always we try to get there to cover local vehicles attending the event and this year was not unusual in that it clashed with another event (or there was bad weather forecast!)

Who knows perhaps we
might make it there in 2013!

However, Paul Bennett made the journey with AnglianBus and he shares some of his pictures with us

The first is of an Arriva London 'Borismaster' in the shape LT7 LT12GHT - a Wrightbus NBfL hybrid.
Also on display was Uno's 327 MH06YJF a very smart Mercedes Benz Citaro

First Eastern Counties had at least two vehicles at the event - including First Ipswich Volvo B7RLE/ Wright Eclipse AU58FFT in the 'refreshed' livery.

First's Great Yarmouth depot sent Volvo B9TL 36166 BD11CFK; which would account for the unexpected sighting of it at Caister Road on Sunday evening!

Other local representatives at the event included Eastons, Goldline Travel and Peelings 

My thanks to Paul for photos and report

Brighton Exile In Service

AnglianBus was using one of its former Brighton & Hove Tridents in service in Lowestoft yesterday morning

T813RFG in AnglianBus colours, complete with fleet name, was seen by Syd Eade at Gordon Road

The Trident appears to have been used on town service 603 as indicated by a 'hand scrawled' sticker in the windscreen

There were heavy traffic hold ups in Lowestoft yesterday morning resulting in service disruption and thereby causing a lot of lost mileage

My thanks to Syd for his report and photo

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Flamingo to Fly the Nest

Joe Watson at Norwich Bus Page has brought to my attention that Great Yarmouth based Swift Taxis have sold their double deck coach.

The Jonckheere Monaco bodied VolvoB12B, registered SE51DZV, is reported as sold on Swift's website.

Wearing fleet number 130, she is named Swift Flamingo and was noted returning to Swift's Southtown yard following driver training duties on Monday.

Previously registered KSK983 when owned by Parks of Hamilton, she was acquired by Swift for use on school contract work

Also noted leaving Swift's Southtown Road site for schools duty on Monday was their Volvo B10M GLZ3141 and Autosan BV57MTJ

Many thanks to Joe for the information

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Latest AnglianBus Due For Repaint

During mid-afternoon former Metrobus Scania YN03WRF entered Car & Commercials premises for a repaint into AnglianBus yellow and blue livery.

AnglianBus Scania 444 YN05HFF at Lowestoft in June 2012
Scania 444 YN05HFF at Lowestoft in June 2012 © Grahame Bessey
It is to retain its two door configuration for the immediate future and, on completion, is expected to transfer to Norwich's Rackheath depot.

Another unspecified sister will also receive the same treatment in the near future

The remaining three are expected to be re-engineered to single door as and when

In the meantime another Metrobus exile has visited Car & Commercials; 444 YN05HFF is having a small repair to its offside rear corner

My thanks to Tim Miller for his AnglianBus update

Monday 17 September 2012

More Metrobuses For AnglianBus

Paul Bennett visited both AnglianBus depots at Beccles and Rackheath yesterday where he noted four recent arrivals from Metrobus

The four red liveried Scania Omnicity buses had arrived in the last few days and the details are as follows:-

447 YN03WRF
448 YN03WRG
449 YN03WRJ
451 YN03WRP

With the exception of 448 (based at Rackheath), they join sister 450 YN03WRL at Beccles

Copyright Syd Eade
It is thought that the newcomers will replace the Irizars currently on school contracts

Having said that Syd Eade saw both YN03WRJ and YN03WRL working on the 601A today.

Both were unhelpfully displaying 'Not In Service' but with paper stickers in the front windscreen.

He suggests that as one of them has a fleet number (incorrectly!) applied it may indicate a repaint not being on the cards for some time yet.

Meanwhile also at the Beccles Depot on Sunday were all five Irizar bodied Scanias:-

112 OW03LFK
113 OW03LFN
114 OW03LFP

As already mentioned on this blog the last two are not strictly fleet members.

My grateful thanks go to both Paul Bennett and Syd Eade for their reports and photographs

All photographs, unless stated, are the copyright of Paul Bennett

Grand Henham Steam Rally

The Grand Henham Steam Rally was also held this weekend by kind permission of the Sixth Earl of Stradbroke

Celebrating its 38th rally, this is hardly an event where you would be likely to see any buses; especially with it coinciding with Showbus at Duxford and the 1940s Weekend on the North Norfolk Railway

How wrong can you be as an ex Northampton double decker was in attendance!

Roe H33/26R bodied Daimler CVG6DD GNH261F was photographed there by regular contributor Tim Major.

GNH261F was numbered 261 in the Northampton fleet and its presence at the rally was thought to be for advertising purposes

Many thanks to Tim for the report and photo

Sunday 16 September 2012

NNR 1940's Weekend

The North Norfolk Railway held its 1940s Weekend during this Saturday and Sunday

As part of the event a free vintage bus service operated between Sheringham and Holt providing a glimpse of some lovely vehicles

Of particular interest was this 1948 built Leyland PS1 Tiger EAV458 with classic Duple bodywork

Originally No 117 with Sutherland of Peterhead, she is shown here at Sheringham earlier today in Northern Scottish livery as NPA197 in the fleet.

Another participant was ex London Country Routemaster RML2419.

The 1966 built JJD419D has a Park Royal 72 seater body and is also pictured at Sheringham.

The vehicle is now owned by the Brandon Bus and Coach Preservation Society

The final picture is of a 1939 Bristol K5G with an Eastern Coachworks lowbridge body.
AJN825 was originally owned by Westcliffe On Sea Motor Services and I sampled a short run on her between Holt NNR Station and Holt village centre.

Despite the Showbus Event at Duxford today there was still a wide variety of vehicles in use on the Sheringham - Holt runs

Thursday 13 September 2012

AnglianBus New A47 Timetable

AnglianBus has recently published its new timetable for its A47 Gorleston - Great Yarmouth - Norwich service commencing on the 17th September

It includes the reintroduction of the X47 express service linking Norwich bus and railway stations with Great Yarmouth and Gorleston (via Acle) primarily at hourly intervals

The X47 runs in conjunction with the less direct A47 service providing essentially a thirty minute frequency throughout most of the day

In addition most of the A47/X47 journeys are being extended from Gorleston High Street to the James Paget Hospital

Click here to download a copy of the new A47/X47 timetable

Tuesday 11 September 2012

731 Tender Won By AnglianBus

AnglianBus CSK282 outside Gorleston's Sixth Form College on 5th September
September sees a new operator in place for the 731 service linking the rural areas to Great Yarmouth

The service was primarily established to get students to the Sixth Form College at Gorleston

AnglianBus has secured the tender from Ambassador Travel with the service operating as the 7:30 from Rackheath and returning as the 16:00 from Gorleston

The 731 has already been worked on a number of occasions by Anglian's Plaxton Derwent bodied Dennis Javelin CSK282 since the start of the timetable

Harry Stanley saw it yesterday heading westbound on the afternoon working; whilst Zac Nelson photographed it on the route on the 5th September

My thanks to Harry for the reported sighting of CSK282 and also to Zac Nelson for allowing me to use his picture

Monday 10 September 2012

AnglianBus Fleet Update

Recent arrival OW03LFP is to shortly receive fleetnumber 114
Details have now come to hand regarding the allocation of fleet numbers to the recent AnglianBus arrivals.

Stephen Wright visited Anglian's premises at Ellough on Saturday last and the company were very helpful in providing him with this information.

Firstly the ex Brighton & Hove Tridents are to be numbered
513 T811 RFG      514 T812RFG    
515 T813RFG       516 T815RFG

Three of the Ex City of Oxford Scania/Irizars are
112 OW03LFK     113 OW03LFN      114 OW03LFP

The other two at Ellough (OW03LFR/S) are not strictly fleet members although the later has legals and a disc so can be used if needed

Anglian fleetnames have been applied to those in use as Steve's photo shows


Previously unreported on this blog is the withdrawal of former Metrobus 445 YN05HFE following an accident at North Cove which has seen the vehicle written off

A replacement, also from Metrobus, has arrived in the shape of  their red liveried 539 YN03WRL

She was subsequently observed by Tim Miller at Car & Commercials earlier today ready to undergo a conversion from two door to single door, upseating and a repaint into AnglianBus colours

It is understood that at least three more are to arrive from Metrobus in the near future

Finally the MAN gas buses will probably not arrive until later in the year as extended fuelling facilities will be needed at Ellough before they can enter service

My thanks to AnglianBus and Steve Wright for the above information and photos.My thanks also to the ever observant Tim Miller for the report and photo of YN03WRL

Sunday 9 September 2012

EATM Trolleybus Gala Report

This weekend saw the East Anglia Transport Museum hold their annual end of season trolleybus gala. A few buses were also in attendance with some operating free services to the museum from Lowestoft and Beccles.

For me the visit started badly with the substitute camera refusing to take any reasonable picture at all! As it took videos ok not all was completely lost as I managed to get some stills from them.

My journey to the museum on was also eventful as the 'best' seat available was at the rear of RT3125 KXW234. What a bad choice as the experience was like riding a bucking bronco! There was some relief as the journey was interrupted by an over lengthy opening of the bridge.The journey was interesting though as we passed through parts of Pakefield I had never been to on a bus before!

On arrival, the first vehicle my eyes were drawn to was T812RFG one of Anglian's newly painted ex Brighton & Hove Tridents

Also present was former Southend Transport Duple Laser bodied Leyland Tiger A250SVW.

Dating from 1985, the vehicle is now in the care of Ensignbus.

Also there was Thetford-based Coach Services Routemaster JJD401D

Not that many visiting buses featured within the museum but, for me, the most interesting was the privately preserved North Western Road Car Company 696 KDB696

No 696 is a Leyland Tiger Cub PSUC1/1 built in 1957 with a Weymann B44F body

I can well remember this operator running services to Great Yarmouth during the summer season all those years ago

Keeping her company was former Lowestoft Corporation Transport (and latterly Waveney District Council) Massey bodied Leyland PD2 PBJ2F

All too soon it was time for the ride back to Lowestoft Bus Station and I wondered what was in store.

It was to be the immaculately restored Routemaster RM613 WLT613 and what a comfortable ride it was too!

The conductor was equally friendly and provided passengers with a ticket from his Warrington Corporation TIM machine; my how the memories returned of Great Yarmouth Corporation issuing these!

A very interesting sunny Sunday afternoon out and my appreciation goes to members of the museum for giving up their time to run the event

Finally my apologies for the poor standard of photos - the offending camera is now being consigned to the bin!

Friday 7 September 2012

AnglianBus Trident Update

The second of the former Brighton & Hove Tridents has been released from the confines of the Car & Commercials site in Beccles

T812RFG is the second of the four to receive AnglianBus colours - joining sister T813RFG.

Fortunately Tim Miller was on hand to record its escape and she looks very smart in this afternoon's sun

The two others have been operating in service in their Brighton & Hove colours; although T815RFG needed some attention to its front end at Car and Commercials before it could run in service

In fact Paul Bennett reports the use of T811RFG all last week on the Kessingland to Beccles run to the Sir John Leman School

No doubt those of you visiting the Trolleybus Gala Weekend at Carlton Coleville will be keeping an eye out for them!

My thanks to Tim Miller for the regular supply of updates and photos and to Paul Bennett for his report too.

Thursday 6 September 2012

Trolleybus Gala Weekend

This weekend (8th and 9th September) sees the East Anglia Transport Museum hold their widely renowned end of season spectacular.

The Trolleybus Gala Weekend features the very popular after dark operations until 9 pm on the Saturday of the event.

All available trams, trolleybuses and motorbuses will be in service over the weekend plus there will be a gathering of vintage and classic vehicles.

Again there will be regular FREE bus services operating to the museum from both Lowestoft and Beccles as there will be no public parking at the museum. The timetable for these services is found here

In addition a park and ride service will be provided from the nearby Co-operative store in  Ashburnham Way in Carlton Colville. Click here to find the location of the store.

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Reynolds Two New Arrivals

Copyright Richard Cutler
Grahame Bessey reports on two new arrivals at Reynolds of Caister; both of them are former Kent Top Travel vehicles.

S200VHO is a Plaxton bodied Volvo B10M-62 whilst ICZ6697 is a Volvo B10M/Caetano Enigma C53F  (originally new to Ulsterbus)

Both are currently in their former owner's colours of allover yellow

The photo of S200VHO (above) is reproduced by kind permission of Richard Cutler


I visited Reynolds' premises earlier this afternoon and found 16 of the fleet on site with two vehicles out on business. 

This number does not include the two newcomers; S200VHO was found hiding in the garage (bottom) and one of the employees told me that ICZ6697 was away for a repaint

This was the last opportunity to view them all on the premises at any one time as the school contracts are due to commence tomorrow.

My thanks to Grahame Bessey for the report

Service Alterations Registered - 5th September 2012

The Traffic Commissioner for the Eastern Traffic Area published his latest Notices and Proceedings Report on the Business Link website today.

Publication Number 2135 provides details of proposed alterations in the Eastern Traffic Area with the following local operations of interest

The deadline for objections to the proposals is 26th September 2012

Registration of New Services Granted Under Short Notice

From: Blofied Heath
To: Gorleston Sixth Form College
Via: Blofied; Brundall; Lingwood; Acle
Name or No: 830
Service Type: Normal Stopping
Effective Date: 01-Sep-2012
Other Details: College days only

Applications to Vary Existing Services

Operating between LOWESTOFT BUS STATION and PETERBOROUGH RAIL STATION given service number X1 effective from 14-Oct-2012. To amend Timetable

Operating between Acle and Acle given service number Acle Flexibus effective from 29-Oct-2012. To amend Route and Timetable

Operating between GREAT YARMOUTH and LONDON, VICTORIA given service number 497 effective from 10-Oct-2012. To amend Stopping Places

Applications to Vary Existing Services Granted Under Short Notice

Operating between Lowestoft Bus Station and Beccles, Old Market given service number X22 effective from 02-Sep-2012. To amend Route and Timetable.

Source: Traffic Commissioner for the Eastern Traffic Area - Notices and Proceedings 2135

Sunday 2 September 2012

Ex Brighton Trident Now in AnglianBus Colours

Regular blog contributor Tim Miller was alerted by a noise from the Car & Commercials yard at Beccles during yesterday morning.

He dashed over to witness the re-emergence of one of the former Brighton Tridents now in AnglianBus colours.

Having blagged his way in, he was able to obtain these exclusive photos of T813RFG.

The livery is similar to the other Tridents sourced from Stagecoach London; apart from there being no blue area on the top rear panel. It is thought that this may be a temporary measure to see how it looks and that others may be treated in a similar manner.

Whilst without branding and fleet numbering (the latter expected to be a continuation of the 500 series) she looks very smart in her new colours

Also in the yard was an Ambassador Optare Solo in the form of  601 MX54KYA

It is not known why she was there and it can only be assumed that it was due to a mechanical problem

My thanks to Tim Miller for the photos and his report. All photos are copyrighted to Tim Miller