Friday afternoon saw me out on one of my walks around the town centre and sea front - as I have heard many times before 'exercise is good for you'!
I went via locations where I might see something of interest. My first stop was Beach Coach Station where I found Chenery's Setra NBU707 basking in the sun (left). This vehicle was previously registered 4019MW and M838GJJ
Walking along the sea front I was passed by Smiths Coaches L18SLT (below) on North Drive. She was on her way to the Marina Centre to pick up schoolchildren who had just completed their swim.

After walking to the Wellington Pier, I then returned to the Town Centre and wandered around the Market Gates bus station in the hope of seeing more First Eastern Counties Presidents operating on service 8 between Caister Second Avenue and Gorleston's James Paget Hospital. I was rewarded with No 33200 LT52WTE arriving in the murk of the bus station; but I decided to get a better picture outside BHS on Regent Road.
I moved to my position to get the photograph only for Swift Taxis' 111 P109WJO (right) to beat her to it! She was on her way back to her Southtown Road base after completing a schools service. The vehicle is named Swift Albatross and was previously registered P80YNE and M4WMT
A few moments later 33200 LT52WTE moved out of the bus station and I photographed her.

Pleased with my bag for the day I returned to Market Gates only to be faced with another surprise! Anglianbus Streetlite 323 MX60BWK had arrived on the 581 service from Beccles. I had tried on a number of occasions to get a picture of her without success. So this time I snapped her underneath the shopping centre awaiting her next duty. (bottom right)

All in all a good afternoon's exercise and very rewarding picturewise too. Five vehicles from five different operators in around two hours of walking!