Monday 31 August 2015

Bank Holiday Visitors

The traditional Bank Holiday weather probably put paid to the usual large amount of visitors to the town so it was not surprising to see only a few coaches on Beach Coach Station this lunch time.
Kings Ferry YT61GRX 

An impressive visitor was Kings Ferry of Gillingham's Scania K400EB/Berkhof CH77DLT YT61GRX, a real eye catcher simply by the size of it!.
Gee Vee Travel YC15WDG

Gee Vee Travel of Barnsley are regulars to the town and their fleet consists mostly of Bova Futura coaches but today's visitor was their latest arrival  DAF/Yutong DC12 bodied YC15WDG. Yutong are one of the biggest companies in China producing both Bus and Coaches for all over the world.

Nothing else much to note on a very damp and miserable lunchtime, it is August after all!


Sunday 30 August 2015

Service 730

As you will have already seen from last Friday's report on a new bus service to Gapton Hall Retail Park, the operation of the 730 route is being revised

Our Bus SF54OUY operates the seafront Service in Great Yarmouth on 26th August. Photo Colin Oakley
Under the Norfolk County Council's re-procurement process a new contract for the 730 route has been awarded to Our Bus. This means that the same operator will now provide both the 730 and the Acle Flexibus service

For larger view please click here
The timings of the route will largely remain the same as the one currently operated by Ambassador Travel and the timetable is shown here. (To enlarge the timetable please click on it) In addition, as already mentioned, the route will extend on Wednesdays and Saturdays through to Great Yarmouth and Gapton Hall Retail Park

The Flexibus provides the opportunity to connect with the new service by pre booking and through ticketing will also available for Great Yarmouth and Norwich using either First's X1 or Anglianbus 7 services

In addition, Our Bus will operate a Friday's only 294 service connecting Filby, Thrigby, Runham, Stokesby to Norwich via Acle

Further information can be obtained by contacting Daniel Yallop in the Travel & Transport unit at Norfolk County Council by telephone on 01603 223956 or via email


Saturday 29 August 2015

First Local Update

I set aside the afternoon to capture some images for this report based on recent information I had obtained on First Great Yarmouth's future movements

Some forty five minutes passed and I was beginning to think I had wasted my time. Then, as always, two of the buses arrived almost at once. The first photo is of former Jersey Dart 43863 EG52FFK bound for Burgh Castle. Both 43863 and 43861 (EG52FJA) will be placed in store at Caister Road tomorrow.

Other buses in the news are the Volvo Olympians with two of the three active deckers to bow out of service today and are to be placed
in the reserve fleet for storage in the rear yard. It has been confirmed that both 34108 W435CWX and 34114 W434CWX will be the two concerned although they were still active on the 8s between Caister and the James Paget Hospital this afternoon. This leaves 34111 W431CWX remaining in service

Another decker on the move is Great Yarmouth's Gemini 37579 AU58EDK which should go to Lowestoft tomorrow. Coincidently the Volvo was operating to Lowestoft on the 1 this afternoon as shown in the above photo

As already reported, a recent transfer in from Norwich has been former Essex Dart 42921 EU05AUN and there has been speculation that its move may be temporary. However, the recent application of an all over rear advert for Great Yarmouth College appears to scotch that rumour!


Friday 28 August 2015

Repainted Enviros head for Ipswich

Two former Norwich based Enviro 200's have been refurbished at Rotherham and yesterday returned to their new home at Ipswich. 44928 EU08FHB & 45119 RT09JPT have gained the new Ipswich livery for use in the Town. The two were originally at Lowestoft before moving to Norwich earlier this year where they were branded for Purple line services in the city.
44928 EU08FHB in its new livery.

Eastern Counties still have a few vehicles at Rotherham in various states of refurbishment, ALX400 30888 W743DWX is due to gain Lowestoft Corporation colours but remains rubbed down awaiting its new look.
30888 & 33167 parked at Midland Road, Rotherham awaiting work.

Norwich Tridents 32201, 32203, 33055 & 33167 are all in Yorkshire for refurbishment currently along with Coach 20514. 33152 returned to Norfolk this week in its new Purple line livery.
Three Volvo B7RLE's 66976/66978/66980 (tbc) are due to transfer to Norwich shortly from Ipswich.
44928 & 45119 safely arrive back at Ipswich's Foundation Street Depot

Many Thanks go to Joe Thorpe for the Photos he kindly sent last night and im sure our very own head of Ipswich News Jim Long will capture the new arrivals in service very soon. Also thanks to Danny for info regarding Fleet movements, more expected over the weekend also.


Thursday 27 August 2015

Beach Appearances

Some fifteen or so coaches at Great Yarmouth's Beach Coach Station earlier this afternoon and among them was a Sanders example in the shape of SGF965. A Plaxton Panther bodied Volvo B12M which, despite its special plate, was new to Park of Hamilton in March 2006 when it was one of many of their coaches carrying the cherished LSK496 registration. Sanders acquired the Volvo from Thornes of  Hemmingborough in July 2009. Numbered 904 in the Sanders fleet it was also previously registered SF06WEC

Two other East Anglian independents' vehicles graced the coach station. They were Mil-Ken Travel's Volvo HIL6328 and a BMC, BX08EZR, from APT Travel of Rayleigh in Essex

Panther Travel's Dennis Javelin/UVG BIG8796 was also parked in exactly the same spot as on Saturday!



Our #TBT Throw Back Thursday spot this week looks at the last Bristol VR to be built at Lowestoft's Eastern Coach Works for the then National Bus Company

Many of you may know it was delivered to Eastern Counties as VR294 in the fleet with along with its registration VEX294X. It was previously ordered by Alder Valley but went to Eastern Counties instead; arriving at Lowestoft depot in October 1981

It continued in use with First Eastern Counties until early 2003 when, upon withdrawal, it taken by Ben Jordan dealer of Coltishall for scrapping. Later that year Viv Carter of Capel St Mary acquired the decker for preservation and, after a much work, it emerged in 2013 in excellent condition. Richard Walker's picture on Flickr shows the overall high standard achieved

My photo was taken in July 1982 at Great Yarmouth's Wellington Road Bus Station and shows VR294 awaiting departure off the stand for Lowestoft on the 601 service

The vehicle's history was obtained from Rob Sly's illustrated history webpage which also contains photos of VEX294X during its various stages of existence


Monday 24 August 2015

Latest Rotherham Moves

A Quick update today regarding the repaint/refurbishment programme for Norwich, 33055 LN51GKO has made the trip North to Rotherham today and returning home is 33152 LR02LXL which has gained the new Purple Line livery. 33055 was branded for Pink Line services in the city but will return in standard new livery after also having major roof repair work as well as the repaint.
33055 on Fye Bridge in Norwich shortly after arriving with FEC in 2010
Thanks to Chris Speed for the updates


WEX685M's Earlier Trophies

The winning of the Bernard Watkin Memorial Trophy by former Great Yarmouth AEC Swift WEX685M at the Old Buckenham rally yesterday provoked a jokey email from previous owner Nigel Blair

'Good to see Great Yarmouth 85 keeping up with her good name. But come on only one trophy. Here we are at Meadowhall Rally in Sheffield picking up two trophies!'

My thanks to Nigel for the email and accompanying photo. Here's to hoping the Swift picks up even more awards in the future


Sunday 23 August 2015

ETC Rally Old Buckenham

Hardly seems a year ago i attended this rally with Chris Speed and the first outing of Eastern Counties Heritage liveried ALX400 32479. This year my mode of transport was AEC Swift 85 WEX685M with Danny Beales & Chris Speed taking it to her first Rally since they purchased her a couple of months ago, included in the trip was a free cloth and the ability to give 85 a quick wash and brush up before we left!
85 & 59 sit in Attleborough Town Centre

85 was accompanied from Caister Road by GYT liveried ALX400 32059 with Mr. Speed Senior at the wheel. Nice to see Great Yarmouth represented at a local rally once again alongside a few Eastern Counties vehicles no strangers to the scene and not forgetting Leyland PBJ2F from Lowestoft complete with "I am not a Routemaster" poster in the window, explaining to the uneducated the difference in vehicle types!
32479 (VA479) & 32059 (59) alongside each other in the sunshine
Plenty of familiar faces were around to chat with and a couple of trips around Attleborough were had aboard 85, the first trip was pretty much a full load and a lot of kind words for the appearance of the bus today.
A trio of RM's now living in Norfolk

Another recent arrival to Norfolk was also on show today with RML SMK737F becoming the second of the type for Bus and Us from Melton Constable. The usual array of preserved ECOC buses were also in attendance with current fleet member 32100 joining them from Norwich and 32479 from Ipswich of course!. Around Thirty vehicles were in attendance on the day with a wide variety of vehicles running the shuttle services into Attleborough Town Centre, some running along the old FEC X95/X52 route.
Patrick Burnside's superb Bristol 3003AH

I have too many photos to share here but will provide a link to my Flickr page once i have uploaded them. The day was finished off nicely with 85 being voted the winner of Best Vehicle on the day and the trophy was awarded to a very happy Danny & Chris!
The winning owners receiving their trophy!
A good day was had by all, thanks to Chris and Danny for the trip and even managed to get home before the rain.      Grahame

Saturday 22 August 2015

London By The Sea

At lunchtime today I received a tweet from fellow blogger Cameron Robinson
'I've just seen a London Red liveried Gemini pass me on the A47. It had people on it so I assume its some kind of excursion'
So earlier this afternoon I set out to find it and thought the favourite location would be Beach Coach Station

On my arrival I could see no immediate evidence of its presence from the north end of the site but I immediately came across Panther Travel's Dennis Javelin/UVG BIG8796 alongside DJ Coaches decker YJ14CDF. The former was with Our Bus as their P653ORV, whilst the Van Hool Astromega was new to the Gravesend company in March last year

Continuing along the front row there was a surprise in the form of Brighton & Hove Irizar Century bodied Scania 503 YR58RUH. This is not its first appearance here as Tim Miller reported its presence on the 13th March this year

Another decker which made an appearance was brightly coloured Barfordian Neoplan Skyliner YR02OUB keeping company with similarly owned Bova VUD483 The latter was new to the Bedford company as YJ55EYY in September 2005

Hiding behind them was the 'London Red Gemini' which was Arriva London's DW50 with its LJ53NGV registration. The Wright bodied DAF was new in November 2003 and was quite a distance from its usual haunts in the capital city but enjoying a day at the seaside.

The latter made the hobble around the coach park all worthwhile, as its not every day you see a London decker in Great Yarmouth! Thanks for the heads up Cameron


Friday 21 August 2015

Gapton Retail Park Bus Service

The front page of today's local newspaper, the Great Yarmouth Mercury, reveals plans for a bus service to Gapton Hall Retail Park

Our Bus already runs the seafront service in Great Yarmouth
There have been many calls for a bus link to the area which have been partly answered by extending the new 730 route to be operated by Acle based Our Bus in September. The plan is to run the bus on Wednesdays and Saturdays only leaving Market Gates for Gapton at just before 11am returning around 1pm

It is hoped that this will be the start in providing more services to the retail park. Subsidised by Norfolk County Council, the service has been cautiously welcomed by the East Norfolk Transport Users Association. Spokesman for the group, Steve Hewitt, said that he was 'encouraged that someone was looking at it' but 'it needs to be a regular service'

He continued that the major operators 'such as First and Anglian had not ruled out running a Gapton service but traffic jams in the area in the area would hinder a bus running regularly and on time'

The 730 will pick up in rural villages on the way to Market Gates including stops at Reedham, Acle and Filby with Gapton being served from September 2nd


Thursday 20 August 2015

Service Alterations Registered ~ 19th August 2015

Following the publication of the latest East of England Traffic Commissioner's Notices and Proceeding Report during yesterday morning we take a look at services changes affecting our local area

Ambassador's FJ09DXA operates the 491 on 20th July last
Registration of New Services
National Express has registered new service 371 operating from Birmingham Coach Station to Great Yarmouth Market Gates via Coventry, Leicester, Peterborough, Kings Lynn and Norwich commencing on the 12th October 2015

Applications to Vary Existing Services
National Express is to amend the routes, stopping places and timetables of both its 490/491 and 497/498 services between Lowestoft and London Victoria from 19th October 2015

Cancellations of Existing Services
First Eastern Counties is to cancel the operation of its 12/12A route between Stalham and Wroxham from 20th September 2015

Notice of Public Inquiries to be Held
Sanders Coaches are to appear at a Public Inquiry today for the consideration of disciplinary action under Section 17 of the 1981 Public Passenger Vehicles Act 1981 and under Section 28 of the 1985 Transport Act. Accordingly Paul Sanders and Charles Sanders have also been summoned to appear at a Transport Manager Public Inquiry

The full Notice and Proceedings document can be found HERE on the GOV.UK website



Yes its Thursday again and time for our regular Throw Back Thursday spot and this week we return to the George Ewer/ Grey Green theme

For some time now I have been trying to find the first photo that I ever took of a coach. I remember it well as it was of 433FXX at the old Grey Green coach station in Great Yarmouth's Apsley Road - situated to the rear of the Tower Complex. It taken was with an old Brownie 127 camera and I was very surprised at how well the photo turned out!

As for Grey Green's 433FXX, it was a Harrington bodied Leyland Leopard new in June 1963. An internet search has revealed no further reference or photo of this 41 seater. The picture was taken in the mid to late 1960s, I am guessing


Tuesday 18 August 2015

Whilst I Was Away ...

For the sake of completeness, I am providing an update on local activity occurring whilst I was away from the blog and very much engrossed in lounge decoration!

First 43863 EG52FFK in Bradwell returning to Great Yarmouth on the 7 from  Belton on 12th August 
The main items to report is the return of a couple of First saloons to Caister Road. Ex Jersey Dart SLF 43863 EG52FFK has arrived from Lowestoft whilst Norwich have repatriated Dart 42921 EU05AUN albeit after receiving a version of the Olympia livery. This version is to be amended soon and it is expected that the other First Essex exiles are soon to receive the same treatment

The three active Volvo Olympians continue to give regular sterling service with correspondents continuing to provide many photos of them in active service!

Olympian 34114 W434CWX  in Regent Road just after leaving Market Gates on 14th August
Tim Miller provides the above Olympian photo and Jamie Skinner has posted three videos on his Youtube channel of 34108 on its way from Gorleston to Great Yarmouth. His channel can be found by clicking HERE. However, as I compile this post I am receiving reports that 34114 failed yesterday although Cameron Robinson confirms it is back in service on the 8s this morning

An Ipswich decker photobombs the picture of Our Bus Mercedes SF54OUY!
Our Bus has commenced its seasonal seafront service with Jamie also sending this picture of its regular bus, SF54OUY, turning at Britannia Pier. However, if you look into the background you can clearly see one of Ipswich Buses deckers turning in front of the Hollywood Cinema on its day trip to Great Yarmouth on the 14th August

My thanks to the blog's loyal band of supporters, including Jamie and Tim, who have kept me up to date with reports whilst I have been otherwise engaged!


Sunday 16 August 2015

Sunday Swift

An afternoon out along Yarmouth Seafront with my children, Ice Cream, Amusements, The Beach then various inflatables to slide down, Good fun i hear you cry! Indeed it was and the afternoon was completed with a ride along the seafront on Yarmouth Swift 85. I noticed her going along the seafront so a quick phone call to Chris and a few minutes later we were aboard.
85 parked alongside another Yarmouth Icon, The Pleasure Beach roller coaster!

I also noted a brand new Scania Irizar I6 coach, YN15KHC belonging to Dodsworths of Borobridge, it appeared to be working a National Holidays contract excursion for this area.
YN15KHC in the Sun at Beach Coach Station
Thanks to Chris and driver Kenny for the seafront excursion, the next trip out for 85 is the ETC Rally at Old Buckenham next Sunday.


Saturday 15 August 2015

Rail Replacement Standby

On a number of recent occasions I have noted that Essex based Panther Travel have coaches on standby at Great Yarmouth and Norwich railway stations

The company has an agreement with Abelio Anglia to provide rail replacement services for the railway company and it appears that includes a vehicle on standby at their Great Yarmouth outstation

On this duty at Great Yarmouth during yesterday afternoon was Plaxton Premiere bodied Volvo B10M BIG611. However, the coach was more familiar in this area as First Eastern Counties N611APU


Thursday 13 August 2015

#TBT Lowestoft Buses 1975

This week's Throw Back Thursday looks at a visit made to Lowestoft in 1975 viewing the bus station and council garage in Rotterdam Road

The first photo shows ECW bodied Bristol LD5G VVF199 in its last months of service at Lowestoft's Eastern Counties Bus Station. Classified by Eastern Counties as an LKD, it is seen parked next to two Bristol MW5Gs - the middle bus being LS797 4823VF which was also in its last year of service. The decker was new in January 1958 and last worked a 602 service. The LS arrived later in May 1961 although both eventually ended up at dealers in Barnsley.

The second picture shows the rear of LKD199
with GVF889D next to the decker. The coach was also a Bristol/ECW product being an RELH6G new to Eastern Counties in April 1966 lasting in service until 1979 when disposed of to Ben Jordan of Coltishall

Our final contribution shows three deckers in the then Waveney District Council fleet at Rotterdam Road. On the left is Massey bodied AEC Regent III LBJ743 delivered to Lowestoft Corporation in January 1951. Subsequently used as a trainer vehicle it was withdrawn from service in 1975

The other two deckers were 918NRT and 917NRT, both AEC Regent Vs dating from January 1963 and also Massey bodied. The
former is now at the East Anglia Transport Museum at Carlton Colville

Since the original post Peter Short has been in touch  'Very interesting photos. Its possible that these photos may predate 1975, the Waveney DC Regent Vs had been converted to awful reflective plates before this year. Either way the traditional black plates sit with the vehicles character'

As regards the dating of the photos, I am only going by the date in my photo album which was written some 40 years ago! It may be wrong but I would be interested in others views as to which is the correct version. However I must agree with Peter's sentiment in the last sentence and admit it does spoil the effect


Tuesday 11 August 2015

Swift's Autosan Sold

Local operator Swift Taxis have confirmed on their website that they have sold their Autosan coach BV57MTJ

The 67 seater, named Swift Sandpiper, was new in October 2007 and received fleetnumber 118

The coach had been regularly advertised as being available for sale in the Route One magazine for a number of months now

Kevin Boyne at Swift tells me it has been acquired by APL Travel Limited of Swindon

My thanks to Kevin for the information


Monday 10 August 2015

Hanson Express to Great Yarmouth

Regular contributor Tim Major has been in touch again and reports on a recent donation to the East Anglia Transport Museum

It's a poster which he assumes to be from the 1950's from the style of the advert plus the 'bargain' price of the return journey to/from Great Yarmouth for only 45 shillings (£2.25p in today's money)

Hanson Express Coaches operated from the Huddersfield area and the name was once synonymous with holidays for Huddersfield people.

The company was an off-shoot from the well-established Hanson haulage company which took thousands of holidaymakers all over the UK and also to the south of France.

The fleet started with sharabangs in the 1920s, 30s and 40s and grew during the 50s and 60s Hanson also ran single decker and double decker buses in Huddersfield under the Huddersfield Joint Omnibus Committee until 1969 when they became part of Huddersfield Corporation Transport Department.

In 1974 the coach company became part of West Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive which was subsequently sold to coach firm Abbeyways in 1979.

Thanks for the photo of the poster Tim


Sunday 9 August 2015

Craskes New Coach

Catfield based Craskes Coaches has taken delivery of a brand new vehicle in the form of a Youtong bodied DAF.

Registered YC15WDJ, it has 51 seats, air conditioning, toilet, hot and cold drinks facility, DVD player and, of course, 3 point seat belts. It is being fitted with cruise control and is intended for use on the David Urquhart contract; plus private hire when required.

My thanks to Kevan Portas at Craskes Coaches for the information and photo


Big Snail Creeps In To Town

A trip to Norwich today in which we were subjected to delays with the first involving what was thought to be a three car accident near the Vauxhall Holiday Camp on the edge of the town

The result was a crawl at a snails pace to get past the incident and imagine my surprise when I saw the above! The delay enabled me to get a reasonable photo of  Eastern Coachworks bodied Bristol FS6B 674UYG. It was an open topper with Brighton Hove & District as SPM22 and was new in July 1960

Rob Sly has prepared an illustrated history of the vehicle which states it later moved to Southdown in January 1969 before returning to Brighton & Hove Bus Company in September 1986. By October 1990 it was at dealers North of Sherburn-in-Elmet and in August 1981 was in Switzerland being converted for use as a mobile home

In April last year Adam Colby of Norwich acquired the bus for preservation and continues to use it as a mobile home. In August 2014 the Bristol was re registered 674UYG. At one time it also carried the registration XWV602A


Return To Bury

Saturday meant a day out to Bury St Edmunds and I managed some time to get some photos. The first was achieved on the way to the Arc Shopping Centre where I snapped former Nottingham City Transport Scania Omnicity YN54NXK now in Mulleys colours

After enduring (sorry enjoying!) some shopping with the better half, I managed to escape to the town's bus station where I observed Stagecoach Alexander ALX300 bodied MAN 22329 AE55RZH heading of to Cambridge on the 11. The only Stagecoach bus observed was ADL Trident 18344 AE55DKL

Other deckers were supplied by Chambers and included former Metrobus Scania N94UD/East Lancs Omnidekkas in the form of 1500 YN53RYP and 1510 YN55PZO

Chambers were also hiring Hedingham's EY57FZE, an Alexander Dennis Enviro 200 new to the company in September 2007

Coach Services' deckers also put in an appearance - former Stagecoach London Scania N230UD Omnicity LX59CPK and Wrightbus bodied Volvo B9TL CS63BUS. Refreshing to see the driver waiting for me to get into position for the photo!

The final photo is of Ambassador Travel's Scania K340/ Caetanao Levante FJ09DXC calling into the bus station prior to continuing its journey to Norwich, Great Yarmouth and Lowestoft on the 491


Thursday 6 August 2015


This week's Throw Back Thursday features L138XDS, then owned by now defunct independent operator Amza Travel which was based in Blofield near Norwich

The Mercedes Benz 709D was new to Pathfinder of Newark in February 1994. It had a dual purpose Dormobile 29 seater body. L138XDS later saw service in Lancashire with Pheonix North West and could often be found in another seaside resort - Blackpool

The picture was taken in Market Gates in November 2006 prior to working the 206 service to Brundall. The observant among you will note that the photo shows the northern end of the bus station prior to the extension of the shopping centre


Wednesday 5 August 2015

Service Alterations Registered ~ 5th August 2015

Regular blog readers will have noted a slight fall in the number of posts in the past week or so. This is due to redecoration of the lounge compounded by a short break away. Needless to say the decoration is close to completion so the blog will soon benefit from a little more of my attention!

One of the many posts to suffer was our regular look at the fortnightly East of England Traffic Commissioner's Notices and Proceeding Reports. The latest report was published earlier today and contained the following expected changes

Registration of New Services Granted Under Short Notice
First Eastern Counties is to provide a school day 925 service from Bramfield Road. Halesworth to Bungay High School from 30th August

Applications to Vary Existing Services
Sanders Coaches is to amend the timetable of four routes and the timetable and routing of two others. In the first category is the 210 between North Walsham and Norwich Bus Station; the X55 from North Walsham Post Office to Norwich City Centre; the X44 between Reepham and Norwich High School and the 9 between Reepham Market Place and Norwich Bus Station. The changes commence from 6th September, the exception being the 9 which takes effect from the 8th September
The two with routes and timetable alterations are 42/43 Holt/Reepham to Norwich and the 44/44S between Holt and the Station Approach in Sheringham. These changes also begin on 6th September

Applications to Vary Existing Services Granted Under Short Notice
Anglian Bus is to alter the timetable of its 87/88/BH274 operating between Durban Close in Halesworth and Newmarket Road in  Norwich from 1st September

Our Hire, trading as Our Bus, is to change the route and timetable of its Acle circular service 808 from 9th August

Cancellations of Existing Services
Sanders Coaches is cancelling its service 13 between Holt Market Place and Oak Street, Fakenham from 8th September

Norse Eastern is also to cance its existing Park and Ride services 603, 605 and 606 from 8th September

The full Notices and Proceeding Report can be viewed HERE


Sunday 2 August 2015

Lowestoft Service Changes

Following the reduction in central government funding together with low usage of certain routes, First has amended some of its Lowestoft services especially during the evenings and Sundays

  • 99 to Kessingland has minor time changes with the 99A journeys no longer serving the South Lowestoft Industrial Estate. The Sunday service is withdrawn.
  • 101 to Gunton and Hollow Grove is unchanged.
  • 102 to Oulton Village now departs Gordon Road at 15 and 45 minutes past each hour during the day.
  • 103 to Carlton Colville is replaced in part by service 104, which operates hourly between Lowestoft and Lansdowne Road only. There is no longer a direct link between Carlton Colville and Pakefield.
  • 105 to Oulton Rock is unchanged.
  • 106 to Burnt Hill no longer operates at peak times.
  • 111 to Carlton Colville operates as a one way circular service using Castleton Avenue outbound and Secrets Corner towards Lowestoft. There are some time changes.
  • 122 to Oulton has several journeys up to 1900 and a Saturday only journey from Lowestoft at 2300.
  • 123 to Carlton Colville is withdrawn.
  • X2 has new Saturday evening journeys at 2015 from Lowestoft to Norwich and 2145 from Norwich to Lowestoft. The 0640 journey from Lowestoft to Norwich on Saturdays now departs at 0635.

The changes take effect from today and further information can be obtained by contacting First's Customer Services team on 0345 602 0121 with timetables available on the Traveline East Anglia website
