Wednesday 3 July 2024

Service Alterations Registered ~ 3rd July 2024

There are no entries in today's East of England Traffic Commissioner's Notices and Proceedings Report affecting local services.

There is, however, a notice of a Public Inquiry to be held on 22nd July 2024 concerning Ambassador Travel Limited of James Watt Close of Gapton Hall Estate in Great Yarmouth. The directors are named as Raymond Green, Mark Green and Ian Forkes.
The Inquiry will consider:-
Disciplinary action under Section 17 of The Public Passenger Vehicles Act of 1981
Disciplinary action under Section 28 of The Transport Act of 1985
Repute of the Transport Manager under Schedule 3 of 1981 The Public Passenger Vehicles Act

The full Notices and Proceedings Report will be available to be view here soon.


Tuesday 2 July 2024

Seven Up

Seven coaches were parked up at Great Yarmouth's Beach Coach Station this afternoon enjoying the dull weather!

First sighted was Shrewsbury-based Ministerley Motors' Scania K410EB4 YT19 EBU which has visited the town previously.

Next to the Scania was Caledonian Travel's Mercedes-Benz Tourismo NH16 JEH, formerly with National Holidays

Third along the line was green liveried Beaulas bodied VDL 4000 YH68 MXG from the fleet of Slacks of Matlock

Norfolk was represented by Marett's Chariots 504 M500 STR, another Mercedes-Benz Tourismo

Three other regular visitors were also present in the form of Bradshaw's Setra N500 BRA, Alfa Travel's Toutismo BV20 HNB and Gee-Vee Travels' VDL GT16 GVT

Meanwhile, First Great Yarmouth were employing partial open toppers 37533 CRZ 166 and 37068 CRZ 599 on Coastal Clipper 1C services with a third, 37067 CRZ 488, being used as a staff bus when caught on camera.


Monday 1 July 2024

Lowestoft Yesterday

Providing a connecting service from Lowestoft Railway Station to the East Anglia Transport Museum yesterday was former Lowestoft Corporation's Eastern Coach Works bodied AEC Regent GBJ 192. 
Photo: Andy Swan