Wednesday 24 January 2024

First Eastern Counties Update

Toby Cullum advises that First Eastern Counties Volvo B7TL / Alexander ALX400 32653 AU05 MUV is out of use at Ipswich depot with fleet names and numbers painted over. It seems its next journey is probably to the scrapyard. This leaves only only 32479 AU53 HJV and 32652 AU05 MUP as the sole remaining active ALX400s at Ipswich.

Meanwhile at Lowestoft recently transferred ALX400 32651 AU05 MUO has also been withdrawn (since repaired and back in service). Coastal Reds' Wright Eclipse Gemini 37061 YJ06 XMO and ADL Enviro200 44531 SN62AZW have met the same fate.

At Great Yarmouth's Caister Road depot ADL Enviro500 38201 SN09ACU remains out of use since before Christmas awaiting parts. Two Coastlink liveried Enviro400s are side-lined with 33803 YX63 LJF requiring major engine work plus 33824 YX63 LKO is off the road too.

My thanks to Toby for the photo and to First for the informative update.



  1. Does anyone know what is/will happen to 38201

  2. 32651 AU05 MUO is not Withdrawn. It's been doing X22s today between Norwich and Lowestoft.
