Tuesday 10 December 2013

Great Yarmouth bound W422SRP in Leicester
Leicester Volvo
Deckers On Their

I was somewhat surprised to receive the following email from Neil Beasley this morning:-

'In the near future, Great Yarmouth is scheduled to received some Alexander ALX400 bodied Volvo B7TL double-deckers from Leicester.

The vehicles in question are:

32058 - W218 XBD     32059 - W219 XBD    32061 - W221 XBD     32062 - W422 SRP
32063 - W223 XBD     32064 - W224 XBD    32065 - W425 SRP

All of the vehicles were new to Leicester and will be ousted by 35 refurbished, former First London, 08 / 58 plate Enviro 400 bodied Tridents. The Enviro 400s started to be delivered to Leicester last week and here's a picture of one at Leicester's Abbey Lane depot

At the time of writing, Leicester has received 5 Enviro 400s and staff type training is still to take place.

W422 SRP played a role in the comedy "Little Britain". It was the bus used in the Vicky Pollard bus sketch and the bus had a trip to London for the day to do the filming'

My thanks to Neil for the email and to Russ for the image of W422SRP


  1. And the former X1 Geminis will be going where?

  2. Hmmmmm most strange one might say. Having looked at the fleet list it would appear that that is the exact number required to replace the Alexander Royales and the last Olympians plus have 1 extra. We can only assume disregarding the reg these are in better shape and newer type body. Or he says thinking (oh no) in light of Steve W's chat with the Ipswich guy the aforementioned could be heading south ?? All in all strange if I do say so.

  3. Always get what nobody else wants.
