Monday 19 December 2022

Last B9 Arrives

This weekend saw the arrival of the last of the eight ex Go Ahead London Volvo B9TL / Gemini 2s at First Great Yarmouth's depot. 36282 LX59 DAO arrived at Caister Road yesterday completing the batch.

Details of the acquired octet are as follows:-

36281 LX59 DAA
36282 LX59 DAO
36283 LX59 DAU
36284 LX59 DBO
36285 LX59 DBU
36286 LX59 DBV
36287 LX59 DBY
36288 LX59 DBZ

My thanks to Simon Taylor for the information and photo.



  1. Can I just ask, please, about the photo at the top of the page - a.k.a. the Barbie 3 President going around the Gorleston Middleton Road Roundabout - what reg and fleetnumber that bus is please? The first photo showed 32214 and wondered what this second one was please?

  2. The latest header photo is that of President 32209 LT52WTP taken in January 2013 at the location you state. It has since moved to First South West and converted to partial open top with the registration OIG 1795. It is now in Kernow Atlantic Coaster livery.
