You will have already read from Saturday's post (
On the Move - 25th August 2018) that two Wright Eclipse Geminis were/are leaving First Great Yarmouth for First Essex. This in turn releases two low height deckers for transfer to Ipswich with 32652 AU05MUP and 32654 AU05MUW assisting with new school work amongst their other duties. Both were to be seen in the Great Yarmouth and Lowestoft area at one time.
32654 AU55MUW at Lowestoft Bus Station on 16th October 2013 branded for the X2 route |
Another 12 plated Volvo B9TL is due from Leeds next month which is due to replace the current 36271 BG12YKD on loan from Norwich. This was provided to cover for the Excel Enviro400 sent to Kings Lynn.
First Essex 66822 MX05CEO approaches Lakeside Shopping Centre on 19th November 2011 |
Also on the move are two B7RLE's from First Essex to Norwich to cover for an increase in the PVR from 16th September (University journeys plus the 38A to Harleston). These are 66822 MX05CEO (currently undergoing a tidy up) and 66824 MX05CEV.
Finally another Volvo B7L is due to be allocated to the training fleet soon.
My thanks to my contact at First for the information
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