Wednesday 17 December 2014

Belle Coach on eBay

Former Belle Coaches Scania B415DHK is now available on eBay
Ryan has contacted me, via Facebook, to tell me that a former Belle Coaches Scania is being advertised for sale on eBay

The Berkhoff bodied Scania K112CRS has the registration B415DHK: a registration I didn't immediately recognised as being a member of the Belle Coaches fleet

After a bit of research, I found that B415DHK was new to Londoners of Dunhead in July 1985 and was re registered as YSU987 in September 1990. Subsequently acquired by Bodmans in May 1993, the coach was then sold to Berkhof as dealers in  April 1999

Regaining its old registration, B415DHK was sold on Shreeve of Lowestoft (Belle Coaches) where she received fleet number 31 and another registration SIL9044. This is not to be confused with the present holder of that registration and fleet number which is a Volvo!

I am not sure when the Scania left the Suffolk fleet and what happened to the coach since then. If any reader knows I would be pleased to hear from them

The seller, thought to be from Newport in South Wales, is not accepting bids but is offering the coach for sale at just under £2,000. The eBay webpage can be viewed HERE

1 comment:

  1. Don't touch it lol ! Good gearbox good steering but unless they have fixed the windows at the back she leaks like a seive lol from a driver who knows lol
